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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Vichaar sagar manthan: Aprail 21, 2012

 Swamaan/ Sankalp /Slogan:  Swaroop  Bano

April 21, 2012

हम आत्माएँहर संकल्पहर श्वास,  हर सेकण्ड को समर्थ बनानेवालेज्ञान स्वरुप हैं ...

We, the souls, are the embodiments of knowledge, who make every thought, every breath at every second powerful...

Dear BK Family.... Since March 1, 2012, we have started special Mansa service country wise, in alphabetical order. There are nearly 198 countries in the world and each day we can serve one country right from Amritvela until Night ... (this may also give us knowledge of a bit of history and geography) Please join us, it is an open invitation to all...

With Bapdada’s and the Advance Party's blessings, let us continue on the World Service Tour: April 21, 2012:

Country : CROATIA

Capital(and largest city) : Zagreb

Population - 2011 census 4,290,612

 Official language(s) Croatian Ethnic groups (2001) 89.6% Croats, 4.5% Serbs, 5.9% others and unspecified

Demonym Croat, Croatian

Government Parliamentary republic - President Ivo Josipović - Prime Minister Zoran Milanović - Speaker of Parliament Boris Šprem

Establishment - Principality 9th century, independent c.840 - Kingdom 925 - Union with Hungary 1102 - Joined Habsburg Empire 1 January 1527 - Independence of SHS from Austria–Hungary 29 October 1918 - Co-founded Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (later renamed Yugoslavia) 4 December 1918 - Yugoslavia becomes Republic 29 November 1943 - Decision on independence 25 June 1991 - Declaration of independence 8 October 1991

Area - Total 56,594 km2 (126th) 21,851 sq mi –

Water (%) 1.09See More

The Points are in 3 languages: Hindi, English and Hinglish (Hindi written in English Script) Please scroll down to the language of your choice.
 शांति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!! विचार सागर मंथन: अप्रैल २१२०१२ बाबा की महिमा: परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा...मीठा बाबा...दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा... सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु...सुप्रीम स्प्रिट...नॉलेज-फुल..बेहद का बाप...पंडा....स्वीट फ़ादर...पतिओं का पति...अविनाशी सर्जन...
स्वमान और आत्मा अभ्यास: 

१. हम देही अभिमानी आत्माएँअपने देह सहित देह के सम्बन्धसम्पर्कसाधन,वस्तुव्यक्ति और वैभव को भूलअपने को आत्मा समझअपना बुद्धि का योग एक तरफ जोड़प्यारे बाप से पूरा लव रख निराकार बाप को जानने और माननेवालेस्वीट फादर के बनने और उनकी मत पर चलने वालेदयालु बाप पर पूरा बलि चढ़नेवालेसेवा में सदा जी हाज़िर” करनेवाले२१ जन्मों के वर्से के अधिकारी हैं...सवेरे सवेरे उठ एकान्त में बैठ विचार सागर मंथन कर अपनी कच्ची अवस्था को पक्की और अच्छी बनानेवालेकदम कदम पर कृपालु बाप की राय लेनेवाले,वृत्तिदृष्टिकृति पवित्र रख काँटों से फूलकौड़ी से हीरेपुजारी से पूजनीय बननेवालेमंदिर में बैठने लायक देवता हैं...
२. हम आत्माएँप्रभु की औलादप्रहलाद हैं...ब्रह्मा मुख वंशावली ब्राह्मण हैं...शिव बाबा के एडॉप्टेड अच्छे सच्चे बच्चे हैं...स्प्रिचुअल नॉलेज से राज योग सीखकर पवित्र पावन श्रेष्ठ सतोप्रधान बन राजाई पानेवालेरूहानी यात्रा के सदगति पानेवाले रूहानी पण्डे हैं...खामियाँअवगुण विकारों के अंश और वंश को समाप्त करदैवी गुण धारण करनेवालेसोलह कला सम्पूर्ण श्रेष्ठा चारी फुल पास देवी देवता हैं...
३. हमआत्माएँहर संकल्पहर बोलहर कर्म को सफल कर व्यर्थ को समाप्त करनेवालेसमर्थ हैं... ज्ञान सागर से निकली हुई पतित पावनी  ज्ञान गंगाएँ हैं...कल्याणकारी संगम युग पर ज्ञान सुनने और सुनानेवालेहर संकल्पहर श्वासहर सेकण्ड को समर्थ करनेवालेज्ञान स्वरूवप हैं...
 Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!

Points to Churn: Murli of April 21, 2012
Praise of Baba: 

The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul is.... My Baba...Sweet Baba...Loving Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the True Father...the True Teacher...the True Guru...the Supreme Spirit...the Knowledge-full One...the Unlimited Father...the Guide...the Sweet Father...the Husband of all husbands...the Imperishable Surgeon...

Points of Self Respect and Soul Study:

1.   We, the soul conscious souls, forget the consciousness of the body, the relations, connections, facilities, individuals, material things and the comforts... we consider ourselves to be souls, and direct the yoga of our intellect only towards the One, and have full love for the loving Baba...we know and accept the Incorporeal Father,  belong Him and follow His directions...by  totally surrendering  to the Kind-hearted Father, and by constantly say “Yes, Indeed” for service, we claim the right to the inheritance for 21 births...by waking up early in the morning and churning the points of knowledge, we make our weak stage firm and strong...we take advice of the Compassionate Father at every step, and keep our attitude, vision and actions pure...we are the deities worthy of being seated in temples, by transforming  to flowers from thorns,  diamonds from shells and worthy-of-worship from worshippers...

2.   We, the souls, are Prahlads, the children of Prabhu...we are Brahmins, the mouth-born creations of Brahma...we are the true and good adopted children of Shiva...we are the spiritual guides on  a spiritual pilgrimage who learn Raj Yoga though the spiritual knowledge, and attain  salvation and a kingdom by becoming pure, holy, elevated and satopradhan...by finishing all traces and the progeny of weaknesses, defects and vices, by imbibing divine virtues, we become the completely elevated deities with sixteen celestial degrees, who pass fully...  

3.   By using every thought, every word and every action in a worthwhile way, we, the souls, finish waste and become powerful...we are the purifier Ganges of knowledge that have emerged from the Ocean of Knowledge...we are the embodiments of knowledge in the benevolent confluence age who, together with listening and relating knowledge, make every thought, every breath at every second powerful...

Om Shanti divya farishte !!!
Vichaar sagar manthan: Aprail 21,  2012

Baba ki Mahima:

Parampita Paramatma Shiv Baba hain...Mera Baba...Pyaara Baba...Meetha Baba...Dayalu Baba...Kripalu Baba... Sat Baap...Sat Tichar...Sat Guru...

Supreem Sprit...Nolej-ful..Behad ka Baap...Panda....Sweet Fadar...Pation ka Pati...Avinaashi Sarjan...

Swamaan aur atma abhyas:

1.   Hum dehi abhimaani atmaayen, apne deh sahit deh ke sambandh, sampark, saadhan,vastu, vyakti aur vaibhav ko bhool, apne ko atma samajh, apna buddhi ka yog ek  taraf jod, pyare baap se poora lav rakh , nirakari baap ko jaan ne, maan ne ban ne aur chal ne  wale, baap par poora bali chadhnewale, seva men sada “ji haazir” karnewale, 21 janmon ke varse ke adhikaari hain...savere savere ooth ekaant men baith vichaar sagar manthan kar apni kacchi avastha ko  pakki aur achchi banaanewale, kadam kadam par kripaalu baap ki raay lenewale,vritti, drishti, kriti pavitr rakh  kaanton se phool, kaudi se heere, pujaari se pujniy ban newale, mandir men bithhane laayak devta hain...

2.   Hum atmaayen, Prabhu ki aulaad, Prahlaad hain...brahma mukh vanshaavali Brahman hain...Shiv Baba ke e dopted achche sachche bachche hain...sprichual nolej se raj yog seekhkar pavitr paavan shershth satopradhaan ban raajaai paanewale, ruhaani yaatra ke sadgati paanewale ruhaani pande  hain...khaamiyaan, avgu n , vikaaron ke ansh aur vansh ko samaapt kar, daivy gu n dhaaran karnewale, solah kala sampoorn shreshthaa chaari ful paas devi devta hain...

3.   Hum, atmaayen,  har sankalp, har bol, har karm ko safal karne wale, vyarth ko samaapt karnewale, Samarth hain...gyan sagar se nikli hui patit paavni gyan gangaayen hain...kalyaankaari sangam yug par gyan sun ne aur sunaane wale, har sankalp, har shwaas, har sekand ko Samarth karnewale, gyan swarooop hain...

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