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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sister Jayanti – 2nd April 2012 (with teachers) - Shantivan The cause of waste thoughts

Sister Jayanti – 2nd April 2012 (with teachers) - Shantivan
The cause of waste thoughts

Baba has special vision on teachers. When Baba asks how successful the children have been in doing the homework He usually asks the teachers specifically. Baba has signalled several times this season to finish waste thoughts and initially He gave us two months and then a week. How far have we been able to complete this homework?  Baba knows how much effort each one of us has been making but He still wants us to check ourselves and be able to give Him an answer.

Yesterday’s avyakt Murli and today’s Murli are very beneficial to stop waste thoughts. Baba has very lovingly made us understand the secret of drama. Brahma Baba accepted every scene of the drama with a lot of love and was very firm on the lesson of ‘nothing new’. He remembered the lesson of ‘nothing new’ at every second and was able to finish any trace of waste with this powerful tool. Baba said today in the Murli that He is the creator of this drama. Just as in science they describe light as rays and as waves and both are correct similarly, sometimes Baba says He is the creator of drama while at other times he says He is bound by drama and the detached observer to the scenes of drama. Both are correct depending on the context in which Baba mentions it.  We therefore should understand the depth in it and see the benefit of both aspects and accordingly bring them into our dharna.

Today both Shiv Baba and Brahma Baba (BapDada) explained the secrets of drama. He asked us to keep our intellects completely soaked with these points of knowledge.  If we understand the depth of the drama it will help us remain very stable and concentrated on our efforts. Our mind and subconscious will also become stable. It will help us remain in equanimity at times of defeat and at times of victory.  Only when we understand the secret of drama very well and our own part in the drama will we be able to remain beyond comparison and competition. On one hand there is service and all the benefit that service brings and on the other hand many sisters complain that maya often comes in the field of service. The first maya is that when we become too busy in service and do not maintain a healthy routine (time table) then we don’t get enough rest and that has a very damaging impact on the quality of our Amrit Vela. In yesterday’s Murli Baba mentioned that we get 10 marks for dharna and 1 mark for seva. The more dharna there is the more marks for automatically get for service because service is in-built in dharna.

If we start seeing others then we get into comparison.  As a result our drishti (vision) becomes ‘outwards’ instead of ‘inwards’ and as we do not get a chance to see ourselves, our energy is wasted. Thus, I am unable to make the most of what I have. The moment we start comparing ourselves with others we stop seeing their virtues and also spoil our relationship with them. I then miss the opportunity and fortune that drama has presented to me to do service according to my special capabilities.  Remaining stable in  the self respect of ‘who I am’ and appreciating the unique part that Baba has given me in this drama will enable me to come out of this attitude of comparison. We saw how Bholi Dadi took responsibility of Baba’s bhandara in Pandav Bhavan and did it with so much love that she left an indelible impression in everyone’s hearts. Though she never gave a speech, she did what Baba wanted her to do with so much dedication and love. She had a mantra to never say NO to anyone and that has inspired the brothers who came later and remains until today. She played her part with so much accuracy in such an incognito manner that she left a mark in the hearts of everyone who saw her. When we understand drama and our unique part in the drama then there is no margin for any waste thoughts. A

Any desire gives rise to waste thoughts. Baba said today in the blessing that waste will finish completely only by remaining seated in self respect.  Limited desires can never be fulfilled as one gives rise to another.  Another habit that opens the door to waste thoughts is when we step away from Shrimat and start following the dictates of our own minds.  So whom should we confirm with if something is as per Shrimat; we must confirm with those who themselves follow Shrimat completely. If I continue to listen to the dictates of my mind and the dictates of others after coming to Baba then that opens the doorway to many waste thoughts. The reason we follow the dictates of others is because somewhere we get influenced and sometimes impressed.   Shrimat is our protection and provides mental empowerment. If we follow Godly dictates we can save our energy from going waste.

Another aspect that drains away our energy levels is still holding negative feelings for some or other soul. When we don’t like someone we tend to notice their weaknesses even when they are doing right and this pollutes our mind and creates waste thoughts. We should therefore learn to forgive and forget. When I am able to forgive only then I can be free. Forgiveness is freedom. No matter whatever happens we must not only forgive but also forget it and put an end to it otherwise that issue will continue to pull my intellect towards it and I lose connection with Baba.
We usually say forgive and forget. Dadi Janki recently said don’t even forgive but just forget. To forget means to just apply a full stop and put an end to something so nothing remains. We must have such power that we can just forget and in forgetting we do not have to make the effort of forgiving.  Dadi often says don’t think or think less. When we practice thinking less then we will have only those thoughts that will become practical, and those will be very few but very powerful.  Even when we are planning, when we allow Baba to touch our intellects, then we don’t have to make effort to think but a powerful thought just emerges and we will find that others will cooperate with us in that thought and thus there will be success.

Om Shanti

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