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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dadi Janki – 1st April 2012 - Shantivan My task is to conquer the vices

Dadi Janki – 1st April 2012 - Shantivan
My task is to conquer the vices

How much happiness should we have?  We should now experience happiness and only happiness.  This is the Confluence Age. It is time to liberate ourselves from every aspect of the Iron Age because we are moving… we are moving towards the Golden Age. The greatness of the Confluence Age is that we have Baba, Madhuban and the family. Having Baba with us in this age makes everything of this time good. The body is the same, the world is the same but since knowing Baba we maintain thoughts of Him in our minds and therefore there is a lot of power.   When situations arise they cannot stay with us because the mind is connected to the One. Baba can then take full care of the soul and get His work done through that soul. Yes, Shiv Baba is incorporeal but since the start of the Yagya he has been getting His work done through Brahma Baba. Shiv Baba is Karankaravanhar and Brahma Baba is now also the same.

In our minds, in our words, our deeds, connections and relationships there should be obedience, sincerity and faithfulness. These come from purity.   One who is sincere is one who considers himself to have only one Baba and none other.  We should not even hide a penny. Sincerity actually comes as a result of being obedient. When a soul keeps Baba’s directions with the self and becomes obedient to them then everything becomes easy. 
It is only in this age that we get dressed , sit, perform actions, listen, sleep, wake up, eat, drink etc. with only one  Baba alone and none other in our mind.  It is this practice that frees the soul from bondage and internally there is the feeling of having no burden. Using this method the soul is freed from lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego. All the 5 vices are destroyed.  We are sitting with one another and are doing service but in our minds we have the feeling that we are not doing any work.   Do whatever service that comes in front of you with love. Don’t give all the service to someone else. Yes, you can delegate but you also have to do service yourself and remain active in that.  Keep others in front of you… this was Baba’s practice. Remain aware that as well as the five main vices there are also the vices of jealousy, bossiness, giving excuses, carelessness and laziness.  Any type of dislike is shown through the face. Baba has given us any points to transform these 5 vices. First we have to become pure and then we can become yogi.  Through yoga can we become pure and through purity we become yogi - therefore purity is number one. 
There is a song; I have found the Innocent Lord, Shiv Baba”. When Baba heard this song he said that the words should be, “We know and we found The Innocent Lord, Shiv Baba.” By knowing Shiv Baba we got the experience of Him as The Innocent Lord.  Shiva means the Benefactor and therefore He is The Innocent Lord - the One who creates our fortunes. We are the fortunate ones; God’s children.  We are souls and our Father, the Supreme Father, Baba, has given us good understanding of drama.  Since having the knowledge of the drama we know that this is the Confluence Age.   At this time I need to remain aware and alert and this is why I have to keep that whole world drama cycle in my vision. 
The Ramayana tells of a clash between two groups. One group told the other that they wanted to rule the kingdom. Thus there was conflict between them. Beware, because it is God Himself who is saying that we must not have conflict with one another.  I have to be sure that none of the vices emerge from within me in any situation. I have to conquer those 5 vices as well as all of their children. If I allow myself to move into a state of conflict with others for any reason the vices will definitely emerge within me and I will perform some type of wrong karma. I will create further accounts. This is why I need to keep seeing my own self in every situation. I have to conquer the vices within me – this should be my only concern. 
Baba has told us not to follow the dictates of others, not to look at others and not to think about others.  If what I think and what I am seeing is in my intellect, I cannot be of any use in the task of transformation. Therefore become a spinner of the discus of self realisation. One who is introverted is constantly happy. By remaining introverted I can do this work. One who is extroverted and remembers external things is not able to remain happy.  That one will say they are happy… but really they are not. One who gossips can never have constant happiness. Only one who is honest with the Father can remain truthful.  Throughout the day I should not speak any lies.  Others should say of me that this one always speaks the truth.  We only speak truth when we have good remembrance of the Father, when we have a good connection with the Father and when we are engaged in service. One who is truthful to the Father and with others will be on service at every step.
Baba is coming for the last meeting of the season. Check yourself in the next 2 days; have I become sweet, truthful and humble? To become humble is very important. Humility allows one to become truthful. Then the words you speak will automatically be sweet.
Om Shanti 
Dadi Janki - Monday 2nd April 2012 - Shantivan  
Benevolent Drama

Everything in drama is perfect.  Don’t have any negative feeling about the drama.  Knowledge of drama makes you cheerful.  Knowledge of soul makes you silent.  Knowledge of God makes you powerful.

Questions such as ‘Why is this one doing this?’ do not allow me to remain yogyukt.  I have to remain yogyukt and yuktiyukt and I also have to be gyanyukt.  Knowledge gives us so many methods that bring us success easily and such attainment that we don’t feel we are lacking anything.

Seeing the Father, we remember the inheritance.  Some things automatically remind us of Baba.  We don’t need to make effort for remembrance.  Baba, You brought me success.  It wasn’t that I made effort and got success, but with Baba’s remembrance, His directions and shrimat, I am successful. 

Remembrance of the Father also reminds me of our home.  We are going home.  We know that our home is the land of nirvana – the land beyond sound and throughout the day, there is the pull to stay there.  We come into sound just for service - no need to come into sound for anything else. 

Drama is already predestined.  Everywhere, service is happening automatically.  There’s no need to come into sound while doing service.  Each one doing service is playing their part. What do I have to do?  I have to return home with Baba.  Baba has come to take me and everyone back with him.  Souls of all religions have to return.  Until then, I have to practise staying beyond sound.  Shiv Baba and Brahma Baba both pull us to remain beyond sound.  Baba is sitting in the avyakt region and making us avyakt, pulling us to the avyakt stage. 

Om Shanti.
Sis Mohini - 1st April 2012:

Omshanti. Omshanti. Omshanti. This is our madhuban tradition now to say Omshanti three times.

Baba comes to give us love and knowledge. God’s love has to be experienced and God’s knowledge has to be understood. These two qualities of love and understanding received from God have to be changed into all virtues and all powers. Baba said, being a master Almighty is to have all the powers. But, it is important that the power should also work at the right time. Instead of the power we need, if a different power emerges, it will work against us. Then, we will not be able to see the benefit of the power.

The Soul has mind, intellect, sanskars but it is also light and might. When giving the introduction of the soul, we should first say that the soul is light and might and it functions through the three abilities - the power to think (mind), power to discern (intellect) and power to hold or the power to be (sanskars).

We are paying lot of attention to thoughts (mind) and the working of the intellect. Within the energy of mind and intellect, for these abilities to function, what is required is power to bring it into action. Otherwise, there is a gap between thoughts and actions. Some have a lot of activity at thought level but cannot bring it into action or some come into action without thinking enough, either is not right. As Baba says, it is important to check before doing.

God’s knowledge has to be translated into thoughts, words and actions. Knowledge changes into power when it is used.

It will be a good exercise to take one power every day for the month of April and collectively practice using it. Not just to keep it in awareness but to check if I am thinking based on the powers in my day-to-day activities. As we start using the power, discerning and acting based on the power, the power gets accumulated. Remember the times when we used patience, trust or any other virtue and it worked. In the same way, use one power a day and it will bring good experiences and it will become our nature. Like virtues, powers will also become our nature. Some say, after having noticed their character, how can we trust them. We all have defects and weaknesses and are making efforts. The trust we place is on the good self. If the person has another personality, we don’t need to connect to it. This is an aspect of spiritual connection and love.

There are many powers other than the eight powers of the soul. The first power is the power of spiritual love. Love is only one but we call it spiritual because it has become more physical and mundane now. First and foremost, in spiritual love, there is no attachment. Relationships are meant for pleasure but any relationship with attachment will cause sorrow.

Earlier, a lot of time our time went into deciding what to do. Now, there are not many choices, there is only one thing I have to do - remember baba and give sakash. There is only one way - remembrance and there is only one path. Let me remember baba, be an embodiment and give sakash. Earlier, we used to try full stop but now I remember Baba and give sakash. It is more powerful than a full stop. Anything I have to hear, see or decide, I remember Baba and give sakash. We have to use full stop only when we are not clear. If we are clear, we have to continue and there is no need for a full stop. Anything happens, go to Baba. If it is with souls, give sakash. Then it becomes a habit. Now, we are convinced that sakash is the only way. There is no other option and hence there is no waste of time or energy.

Let us all take this homework of working on powers. I have made a list of 30 powers for the month of April.

Let us start with the power of realization. Realization is where we immediately know we have to change. It is not always about realizing our weakness. It may be a realization that I should do this for improvement or progress. Through this power, we become aware of our treasures. It is like finding what we need even while it was with us all the time. We have the knowledge and awareness but then realization comes as to how fortunate I am!!
It can also be a realization of our capacity or the realization that we have the capacity but we are not using it. Some have a lot of understanding but also a lot of misunderstanding. Could these words have been better? Realization is knowing that there is a margin for betterment and transformation. It is a very rich power that keeps one engaged and entertained. Realization is finding our hidden treasures so we can move forward.

We are all sensitive which is good because we capture but we are all sensible numberwise. While coming into action or taking a decision, we cannot be just emotional. Lot of Brahmins have emotional outbursts. It may not be a big issue but momentarily, our emotions make it very big. No one can help me, I have to help myself. If you find your inner way, you will also find your outer way.

I had a wonderful experience about what it means to be trikaldarshi – knower of the three aspects of time. Completely merge the past, do not get stuck in the present but move towards the future. Some get so fixed in the present that they get upset and angry. We have all gone through those stages but we have to move forward. How do we combine these three aspects of time? If this moment is very good, the present is good. As this moment becomes past, the past also becomes good. Then, the next moment (future) will also be good. Instead of looking at the whole cycle, take these three aspects, a moment at a time. How do I keep these 3 moments and carry that experience so that the other past – the unlimited past will also be of joy. Then, what we are left with is an experience of joy.

When peace or any virtue, instead of remaining a virtue becomes a power, a deep shift happens within. It is a shift of the conscious mind towards calmness, stillness and a deep silence. As peace becomes a power, you are very stable inside. This is the power. If I am accumulating or making it into a power, there is stability, stillness and silence. These are our experiences and attainments because when used, power should bring attainments. We know it has become a power when we are able to use it consistently, not just sometimes. Whenever we truly used a power, there has been benefit. Whatever goes on, if we hold on to the truth, nothing can go wrong.

There has to be some focus on effort, otherwise it is lost. Each day, check how much was I able to use the particular power? Share experiences of God’s wonders and miracles. Let go of little situations because nothing is more powerful than drama. It is a fact. Don’t regret, have guilt, feel bad for the self or others. We don’t play with drama but play our part. This is God’s protection and his sustenance in the confluence age.

Start the day with God’s love and God’s study and during the day, we are at God’s service. It does not matter if it is lokik or alokik, we are at God’s service.

Be seated on the seat of the self respect of being a master almighty authority so powers listen to you. Sit on the seat and see how the power is working. Start with one and it will bring many. The powers also cooperate with each other. Hence we are called master almighty.

Our experience should be that I called patience and a crowd of virtues came!! I felt so powerful that all powers came. This is being master almighty authority. Victory and success are with us.

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