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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dadi Janki over the phone on the day of the Satguru – 19th April 2012 – GCH

Dadi Janki over the phone on the day of the Satguru – 19th April 2012 – GCH

Those who sit to offer bhog would be very intoxicated.  Those who are sitting in the audience, their intellect would also be pulled to Baba.  I am sitting here in Madhuban, but my intellect is pulled to London where all of you are offering bhog.

Baba is wonderful and Baba’s children are wonderful.  On the day of the Satguru, we always have this awareness in our intellect.  One thing has become very firm for me.  I should not look at anyone’s weaknesses.  When I look at the weaknesses of others, I have to be very careful that I do not imbibe those weaknesses in myself.  There are weaknesses in everyone, but at the same time, there are so many specialities and good things in everyone.  If I am not able to see these specialities and only the weaknesses, this in itself is a very big weakness in me.  No matter what happens suddenly in the world or if any adverse situations come in front of me, my intellect should be so fearless and free from any animosity that I am able to glorify Baba’s name.  I do not have anything else in my mind.  All I want is that I am in Baba’s eyes and I have Baba in my eyes.  When I am in Baba’s eyes and Baba is in my eyes, then I don’t need anything.  This is what accurate yoga and an injection are.  Baba is the greatest second and He gives me an injection and makes me bodiless in a second.

One brother had been observing me and then asked me: How do you remain soul conscious all the time?  I said: Well, you have been seeing me and you have seen this.  If you have observed how I remain soul conscious, you can also do the same.  It’s a matter of great happiness to receive this certificate of remaining soul conscious from Baba’s children.  London class is in front of me, and you can give me this certificate, can you not, that I do remain in a stage of soul consciousness.  Baba gives us His company and companionship for us to remain soul conscious.  If I become body conscious, Baba will not give me His company.  Baba is always combined with me.

Each one please accept personal love and remembrance by name....

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