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BK Dadi Janki – 31st March 2012 (2) - Gyan Sarovar

Dadi Janki – 31st March 2012 (2) - Gyan Sarovar
Question and Answer

Through absolute honesty and love magic emerges. When there is honesty and love then happiness and power are born. These four join hands. We can then observe the dance of the four.

Q. Seeing you today Dadi nobody would realise that your health was not so good just a few days ago. Baba’s message for you was that Baba is the One moving you along. What is your experience of this?

As I came from Karachi my body of 5 elements became unwell. However, the elements can’t make me dependant on them. I don’t want that. The doctors came to meet me. Whatever scene comes in front we have to accept. I can’t use the word ‘difficult’ about any scene rather I just have to sit and observe them. Within any scene my task is to remain the companion of God and play the scene with happiness. I told the doctor to take three pills. In fact, I gave the doctor an injection but I don’t remember if he gave me an injection!

Q. In Karachi we had the topic ‘Think less and do more’. Tell us about this Dadi.

In the centre in Karachi traffic control happens on the hour accurately. The bhavna to create a good atmosphere is working well there. I spoke on this topic of thinking less and doing more. People ask how we can possibly not think...  In fact, what should we think? In the Golden Age, one says something, the other accepts. This is the foundation of the Yagya. Didi (Manmohini) and Dadiji were like this. If you are lost in thinking then your drishti and attitude cannot be like Baba’s. In fact, everything is moving along well. If there is faith and trust in drama then you will not need to think. There needs to be the faith that the drama is beneficial.

Where does Dadi’s energy come from? In the whole of my life, I have never wasted time, money or energy. Therefore God is happy with me, the Dadis are happy with me and my service companions are happy with me. My energy has thus accumulated. I have to make myself transparent internally. This is not something to think about but Baba has given us directions and if I follow them then there is nothing to think about. It is simply a matter of doing. Keep the aim to follow His instructions and you will find it easy. I have to make it easy for myself internally. It is inauspicious to think or say something is difficult.

What does Baba actually do? If you pay attention then you automatically draw His attention. He will focus on you. Your attention on study and effort will draw the attention of the Teacher. In all 4 subjects I need to check myself. If someone were to watch me they would understand what marks I would claim in each subject. I have to check my own self in this.

In fact, if you churn knowledge there is no need to think about things. The work happens easily; everyone gives co-operation. Within humility there is greatness. Take the support of humility to make your stage elevated. Don’t allow ego to come in between. If you want to come close to Dadi then come close with your stage. Some complain about others but we have to learn to live in harmony. All souls will be different. My task is to be harmonious.

Q. Sometimes we have to make plans. We may have to travel here and there. How can we not think?

If you don’t have the powers to pack up, to merge etc. then the whole of your life will be in expansion. You will then have to think a lot in order to manage everything.  I have to learn to live a very simple life. My clothes, my shoes, my room etcs. should be kept very clean. I should not have extra clothes. I should keep a small bag packed so that I am ready to travel when needed. I just need to take two rotis with me. To go into great expansion is to have the nature of a householder. Remember that whatever words, thoughts and actions I perform, others will see and follow. This is very deep. When my attitude is filled with spirituality then my relationships and interactions will all be wonderful. Mama, Baba, Didi and Dadiji all worked in this way. Their faces showed this. Even the faces of those who knew them show this. Why? Because these souls are in their foundation. Real tapasya... We used to have real tapasya. You may have had a yoga bhatti but have your sins been destroyed? Ask yourself: am I really doing tapasya?

The Sakar Murlis clarify everything. For example; if you make a mistake then tell Baba. Now Baba is avyakt then who should we tell? Tell those who follow Shrimat accurately. When Baba received an absolutely honest letter, he would just tell the soul not to make the same mistake. He wouldn’t even need to read the letter – he received the fragrance of truth.  If you make a mistake now there will be so much repentance at the end and those moments will be terrible for the soul. There has to be so much reality that there is royalty. Ask yourself; What do I have to do? It is a big mistake to even think that someone else is doing the wrong thing. This type of thought should not even enter my mind. I have to have the bhavna that if not today then tomorrow they will do the right thing.  I must incinerate my own sins. I don’t have to create any more accounts now.
Some say they cannot get on with others. Whose mistake is it that you can’t get on with someone, if not your own? We all have knowledge in the gross form but go into silence and ask yourself how you are thinking. Check the quality of your own thinking. You may think you are very good and that others have to change. Even this type of thinking is creating an account. Is this the thinking of a yogi soul? You are doing service and at the same time you are thinking such types of thoughts. Have mercy on yourself. Free yourself from seeing others and blaming others. Baba is teaching us to do service with our pure attitude. Baba wants to give internal training to the soul. Make Him your companion and He will get what He needs to get done through you. I have to only see myself and see God. There is so much enjoyment in seeing how God works. Let everything now happen with harmony.

Om Shanti

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