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Monday, April 16, 2012

Swamaan/ Sankalp /Slogan: Swaroop Bano

 Swamaan/ Sankalp /Slogan:  Swaroop  Bano
April 16, 2012
हम आज्ञाकारीवफादार,फरमानबरदार इमानदार तीव्र पुरुषार्थी आत्माएँपरमात्म और परिवार कि दुआओं के पात्रसदा मायाजीत हैं...
By receiving blessings from the Supreme Soul and from the family, we, the intense effort-makers, the obedient, faithful, & trustworthy souls, are constantly the conquerors of Maya...

Dear BK Family.... Since March 1, 2012, we have started special Mansa service country wise, in alphabetical order. There are nearly 198 countries in the world and each day we can serve one country right from Amritvela until Night ... (this may also give us knowledge of a bit of history and geography) Please join us, it is an open invitation to all...

With Bapdada’s and the Advance Party's blessings, let us continue on the World Service Tour: April 16, 2012:
Country: CHINA

Capital :Beijing
Population - 2010 census 1,339,724,852

Largest city : Shanghai[Official language(s) Standard Chinese[Recognised regional languages Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Zhuang, and various others
Official written language Vernacular Chinese, Official script Simplified Chinese

Ethnic groups 91.51% Han; 55 recognised minorities

Demonym Chinese
Government Nominally Marxist–Leninist single-party state- President Hu Jintao- Congress Chairman Wu Bangguo- Premier Wen Jiabao- Conference Chairman Jia Qinglin Legislature National People's Congress
Establishment- Unification of China under the Qin Dynasty 221 BC - Republic established 1 January 1912 - People's Republic proclaimed 1 October 1949 
Area: - Total 9,640,821 km2 or 9,671,018 km²3rd/4th) 3,704,427 sq mi
- Water (%) 2.8

The Points are in 3 languages: Hindi, English and Hinglish (Hindi written in English Script) Please scroll down to the language of your choice.
 शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!! विचार सागर मंथन: अप्रैल १६२०१२ बाबा की महिमा: परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा...मीठा बाबा...दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा... सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु...गॉड फ़ादर...निराकार बाप...ऊँचे ते ऊँचा...पतित पावन...
स्वमान और आत्मा अभ्यास:  . हम आत्माएँब्रह्मा मुख वंशावली ब्राह्मणसीजरे में आनेके लिएमात-पिता को फॉलो करनेवालेईश्वरीय यूनिवर्सिटीगॉड फ़ादर यूनिवर्सिटीमदर फ़ादर की यूनिवर्सिटी ,गोद गॉडेज की यूनिवर्सिटी के स्टूडेंट्सअच्छी रीति पढ़ाई करनेवालेपढ़ाई से गढ़ाई और कमाई करनेवालेविकर्माजीत राज्य अधिकारी हैं... नर से नारायण नारी से लक्ष्मीमनुष्य से सर्व गुण सम्पन्नसोलह कला सम्पूर्णसम्पूर्ण निर्विकारीमर्यादा पुरुषोत्तमडबल अहिंसकडबल ताजधारी
बननेवाले सतयुगी देवी देवता हैं ...

२. हम आत्माएँमीठी हैं मधुर हैंमोहजीत हैंस्वीट हैंशान्त हैंशीतल हैं...एक प्रीतम की प्रित्माएँ हैं...एक माशूक की आशिक हैं...एक अमर नाथ की अमरलोक में जानेवाली पार्वतियाँ हैं...एक परमात्मा की निरंतर याद में रहकर विकर्म भस्म करनेवाली विकर्माजीत हैं... योग से अच्छी धारणा करदेह-अभीमान से देही-अभिमानीआत्म- अभिमानीरूहानी- अभिमानीपरमात्म- अभिमानीपरमात्म - ज्ञानीपरमात्म-वरदानीपरमात्म- भाग्यशालि बननेवालीश्रेष्ठा चारी ईश्वरीय औलाद हैं...
३. हम आत्माएँसंगम युग पर हर संकल्पहर श्वासहर सेकण्डपरमात्म और परिवार की दुआएँ प्राप्त कर अपनी झोली भरपूर करनेवालेस्व राज्य अधिकारी बनमन जीतमाया जीतजगत जीतसो विश्व राज्य अधिकारी हैं... अपनी स्वमान की सीट पर सेट होकरमाया की दूर की सलाम स्वीकार करनेवालेआज्ञाकारीवफ़ादार,फरमानबरदारईमानदार तीव्र पुरुषार्थी हैं...
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn: Murli of April 16, 2012
Praise of Baba: 
The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul is.... My Baba...Sweet Baba...Loving Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the True Father...the True Teacher...the True Guru...God Father...the Incorporeal Father...the Highest-on-high...the Purifier...
Points of Self Respect and Soul Study:

1.   We, the Brahmin souls, the mouth born creations of Brahma, follow the mother and father in order to come into the genealogical tree...we are the students of the Godly university, the university of God, the Father, the university of the Mother and Father, the university of God and goddess...by studying well, we get molded and earn a high income and a right to the kingdom of those who are the conquerors of sinful actions...from ordinary men we become like Narayan, from ordinary women we become like Laxmi, from ordinary human beings we become full of all divine virtues, sixteen celestial degrees full, completely vice less, the most elevated human beings following the highest code of conduct doubly non-violent deities of the golden age, wearing double crowns...

2.   We, the souls, are sweet, melodious, conquerors of attachment, peaceful and cool...we are the loves of the One Beloved...the Parvaties of the Lord of Immortality, going to the land of immortality...by remaining in the constant remembrance of the One Supreme Soul, we become the conquerors of sinful actions by burning our sins...by inculcating well with yoga, from being body-conscious, we become soul-conscious while performing actions, soul-conscious in yoga, spiritually-conscious, God- conscious, God- knowledge-full, God-blessed, and God-fortunate elevated Godly children...

3.   We, the souls, attain blessings from the Father and the family with every thought, every breath and at every second in the confluence age ...by filling our aprons with these blessings, we become self sovereigns, the conquerors of the mind, the conquerors of maya and the conquerors of the world, and claim a right to world sovereignty...by sitting on our seat of self respect, we accept maya’s salute from a distance...we are the obedient, faithful, trustworthy intense effort-makers, who follow Baba’s orders...

Om Shanti divya farishte !!!
Vichaar sagar manthan: Aprail 16,  2012
Baba ki Mahima:
Parampita Paramatma Shiv Baba hain...Mera Baba...Pyaara Baba...Meetha Baba...Dayalu Baba...Kripalu Baba... Sat Baap...Sat Tichar...Sat Guru...
God Fader...Nirakaar Baap...Oonche te ooncha...Patit Paavan...

Swamaan aur atma abhyas:
1.   Hum atmaayen, brahma mukh vanshaavali brahman,  seejre men aaneke liye, maat-pita ko follow karnewale, ishwariy yunivarsity, God Fader yunivarsity, madar fader ki yunivarsity , god godej ki yunivarsity ke students, achchi reeti padhaai karnewale, padhaai se gadhaai aur kamaaai karnewale, vikarmaajeet rajy adhikaari hain... nar se narayan naari se laxmi, manushy se sarv gu n sampann, solah kala sampoorn, sampoorn nirvikaari, maryaada purushottam, d b l ahinsak, d b l  taaj dhari ban newale satyugi devi devta hain ...

2.   Hum atmaayen, meethi hain madhur hain, mohjeet hain, sweet hain, shant hain, sheetal hain...ek preetam ki pritmaayen hain...ek mashook ki aashik hain...ek amar naath ki amarlok men jaanewali  paarvatiyaan hain...ek parmaatma ki nirantar yaad men rahkar vikarm bhasm karnewali  vikarmaajeet hain... yog se achchi dhaarna kar,  deh abhimaaan se dehi abhimaani, atm- abhimaani, ruhaani abhimaani, parmaatm- abhimaani, parmaatm gyani, parmaatm vardaani, parmaatm bhaagy shaali ban newali, shreshthaa chaari ishwariy aulaad hain...

3.   Hum atmaayen, sangam yug par har sankalp, har shwaas, har sekand, parmaatm aur parivaar ki duaaen praapt kar apni jholi bharpoor karnewale, sw rajy adhikaari ban, man jeet, maya jeet, jagat jeet, so vishv rajy adhikaari hain... apni swamaan ki seet par set hokar, maya ki door ki salaam swikaar karnewale, agyaakaari, wafaadaar, farmaan bar daar, imaandaar tivr purushaarthi hain...

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