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Monday, April 16, 2012

Explanation about the 16 arts:

Explanation about the 16 arts:

When we become complete with these 16 arts which represent a soul full of all qualities, we would be delclared as complete with all the virtues and powers.

The (different) titles given for 16 arts – 
1. The art of friendship – the art of making others one’s own – the art of winning the heart of others.2. The art of dealing with others – the art of divine behavior
3. The art of reforming – the art of transformation
4. The art of refreshing – the art of being carefree – the art of relaxing
5. The art of developing – the art of learning
6. The art of remaining happy and content – the art of progressing – the art of marching ahead
7. The art of keeping others happy/ healthy – the art of staying healthy

8. The art of organizing – the art of writing – the art of writing
9. The art of leadership – the art of leadership – the art of leadership
10. The art of administration – the art of the art of administration
11. The art of learning and teaching – the art of teaching – the art of learning
12. The art of enjoying work and leisure – The art of making people smile – entertaining
13. The art of speech – giving a speech – sweet talking
14. The art of thinking – making best out of waste – changing waste into best
15. The art of social service and spiritual welfare – giving sustenance – sustenance
16. The art of concealing and revealing – accommodation – absorbance

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