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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Swamaan/ Sankalp /Slogan: Swaroop Bano April 15, 2012

 Swamaan/ Sankalp /Slogan:  Swaroop  Bano
April 15, 2012
हम आत्माएँहद का मेरा-मेरा को तेरा करहलके उड़ने और ऊडानेवाले फ़रिश्ते हैं  ...
By making all the limited "mine" to "Yours", we, the souls, become light angels, who fly and make others fly...

Dear BK Family.... Since March 1, 2012, we have started special Mansa service country wise, in alphabetical order. There are nearly 198 countries in the world and each day we can serve one country right from Amritvela until Night ... (this may also give us knowledge of a bit of history and geography) Please join us, it is an open invitation to all...

With Bapdada’s and the Advance Party's blessings, let us continue on the World Service Tour: April 15, 2012:
Sunday...and as planned earlier we will cover Mansa service in all 6 countries of the previous week....
Countries: Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Comoros
The Points are in 3 languages: Hindi, English and Hinglish (Hindi written in English Script) Please scroll down to the language of your choice.
 शन्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!! विचार सागर मंथन: अप्रैल १५२०१२ 
बाबा की महिमा: परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा...मीठा बाबा...दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा... सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु...विश्व के शिक्षक...भोला नाथ...लॉ फुल...रचयिता...
स्वमान और आत्मा अभ्यास: १. हम आत्माएँसम्पूर्ण निशाने के नज़दीक पहुँचनेवालेडबल नशे की निशानी वालेसर्व कर्म बंधनों से मुक्तकर्मातीत हैं ...प्रकृति द्वारा निमित्त मात्र कर्म करानेवाले,न्यारे हैं ... विष्व के मालिक हैं ...ज्ञान युक्तयोग युक्तधारणा मूर्त हैं...ज्ञान के तीसरे नेत्र से सदा योगी बननेवालेसर्व गुण सम्पन्ननिश्चय बुद्धि की क्लियर लाइन वाले,निरन्तर और एक रस श्रेष्ठ स्व-स्थिति धारी हैं...निशाने की निशानी नशे वालेनशे की निशानी अटल निश्चय और निश्चिन्त स्थिति वालेअचल अड़ोल अंगद हैं...
२. निश्चय बुद्धि विजयन्तीसंशय बुद्धि विनशान्ति... हम आत्माएँमाया के वार और हार खानेसे निशचिंत हैं...बाप के आगे स्वयं को स्पष्ट करनेवालेनिश्चयस्मृति और समर्थी रखनेवालेमनजीतमायाजीत हैं...सभी मर्यादा के पालन करनेवालेकारण का निवारण करनेवालेचढ़ती कला वाले मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम श्रेष्ठ चरित्र वान हैं...
३. हिम्मते बच्चेंमददे बाप..हम आत्माएँव्यर्थ को समाप्त करनेवालेसमर्थ हैं...महादानीवरदानीविश्व सेवा धारी हैं... अपना तन-मन-धनमन्सा-वाचा-कर्मणासंकल्प-समय-शक्तियाँईश्वरीय सेवा में अर्पण करने वालेहर श्वास हर सेकण्ड और हर संकल्प को सफल करनेवालेसफलता मूर्त हैं... हिम्मत और हुल्लास और उमंग में रहकर शुद्ध और श्रेष्ठ संकल्प से वायुमंडल और वातावरण शुद्ध कर सकाश देनेवालेविश्व परिवर्तक सो विश्व कल्याणकारी हैं...

४. हम आत्माएँहद का मेरा-मेरा को तेरा करमेरपनमेरा स्वभावमेरा संस्कारमेरी नेचरबाबा को देकरबाप के मोहोब्बत में वृत्ति की सेवा और ज्ञान मंथन में मन बिजी रखकर हलकापन महसूस करनेवालेहलके उड़ने और उडानेवाले फरिश्ते हैं ...संकल्प से भी मेरेपन की मैल को समाप्त कर बोझ से परेनिश्चिंतबेफ़िक्र बादशाह हैं...हर परिस्थिति में फुल पास होने वालेमास्टर सर्वशक्तिमान हैं...
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn: Murli of April 15,  2012
Praise of Baba: 
The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul is.... My Baba...Sweet Baba...Loving Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the True Father...the True Teacher...the True Guru... Teacher of the world...the Lawful One...the Innocent Lord...the Creator...
Points of Self Respect and Soul Study:

1.   By being close to our ultimate target, we, the souls, show the signs of double intoxication.... we are karmateet by being beyond all karmic bondages, and are detached by having the elements work as instruments...also, we are the masters of the world...we are gyanyukt, yogyukt and the images of dharna...with the third eye of knowledge, we are constant yogis full of all divine virtues, having faith and a clear line in the intellect, and a constant, stable  and elevated stage...with the intoxication of the target , with the sign of intoxication being unwavering faith and a carefree stage, we are unshakable and immovable like Angad...

2.   An intellect with faith is victorious, and an intellect with doubts is defeated...we, the souls, are free from the worry of being attacked or being defeated by maya... we make ourselves clear in front of the Father, and
by having faith, awareness and power, we become the conquerors of the mind and the conquerors of maya...by following all the Godly disciplines (maryadas), by resolving the reasons for excuses, we become the most elevated human beings in the ascending stage following the most elevated codes of conduct, with elevated activities...

3.   With one step of courage of the children, the Father helps with a thousand steps...by finishing all waste, we, the souls, are powerful....by having surrendered our body, mind and wealth, thoughts, words and deeds, time, thoughts and powers in Godly service, we become the great donors, the bestowers of blessings and world servers...by using every breath, every thought, at every second in a worthwhile way, we become the embodiments of success...we are the world transformers and world benefactors, who, with elevated thoughts, and by having zeal, enthusiasm and courage, make the environment and the atmosphere pure and give sakaash...
4.   By making all the limited "mine" to "Yours", by giving Baba the consciousness of “mine”, my nature, my sanskar, by keeping our mind busy in Baba’s love, serving through our attitude,  and by churning the points of knowledge, we, the souls, become light angels, who fly and make others fly...by removing the consciousness of “mine” even in our thoughts, we are beyond any burden and become carefree emperors...by passing fully in every situation, we become master almighty authorities...
Om Shanti divya farishte !!!
Vichaar sagar manthan: Aprail 15,  2012
Baba ki Mahima:
Parampita Paramatma Shiv Baba hain...Mera Baba...Pyaara Baba...Meetha Baba...Dayalu Baba...Kripalu Baba... Sat Baap...Sat Tichar...Sat Guru...Vishv ke Shikshak...Bhola naath...Law ful...Rachyita...
Swamaan aur atma abhyas:
1.   Hum atmaayen, sampoorn nishaane ke najdeek pahunchnewale, d b l nashe ki nishaani wale, sarv karm bandhanon se mukt, karmaateet hain  ... prakriti dwara nimitt maatr karm karaanewale, nyaare hain...vishv ke maalik hain...aur gyan yukt, yog yukt, dhaarna moort hain...gyan ke teesre netr se sada yogi ban newale, sarv gu n sampann, nishchay buddhi ki  kliyar lain wale, nirantar aur ek ras  shreshth sw-sthiti dhaari hain...nishaane ki  nishaani nashe wale, nashe ki nishaani atal nishchay aur nischint sthiti wale, achal adol angad hain...

2.   Nishchay buddhi vijayanti, sanshay buddhi vinashanti... Hum atmaayen, maya ke vaar aur haar khaanese nishchint hain...baap ke aage swayam ko spasht karnewale, nishchay, smriti aur samarthi rakhnewale, nam jeet, maya jeet hain...sabhi maryaada ke paalan karnewale, kaaran ka nivaaran karnewale, chadhti kala wale maryaada purushottam shreshth charitr vaan hain...

3.   Himmate bachchen, madade baap..Hum atmaayen, vyarth ko samaapt karnewale, Samarth hain...mahadaani, vardaani, vishv seva dhaari hain... apna tan-man-dhan, mansa-vaacha-karmana, sankalp-samay-shaktiyaan, ishwariy seva men arpan karne wale, har shwaas, har sekand aur har sankalp ko safal karnewale, safalta moort hain... himmat aur hullaas aur umang  men rahkar shuddh aur shreshth sankalp se vaayumandal aur vaataavaran shuddh kar sakaash denewale, vishv parivartak so vishv kalyaankaari hain...

4.   Hum atmaayen, had ka mera-mera ko tera kar, merapan, mera swabhaav, mera sanskaar, meri nechar, baba ko dekar, baap ke mohobbat men vritti ki seva aur gyan manthan men man biji rakhkar halkapan mahsoos karanewale,  halke oodte aur oodaanewale farishte hain ...sankalp se bhi merepan ki mail ko samaapt kar bojh se pare, nishchint, befikr badshah hain...har paristhiti men ful paas hone wale, mastar sav shakti maan hain...

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