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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Dadi Janki – 26.4.12 & Dadi Gulzar – 24th April 2012 – Shantivan

Dadi Janki – 26.4.12 – On arrival in London
Stay in your own self respect, be carefree and wait and see the drama

Dadi Janki was welcomed back to London with great love and enthusiasm – and huge gratitude to Baba and drama for bringing her here. Sister Maureen welcomed Dadi, along with Ketanbhai from Madhuban and Sister Jayanti, who was returning from Kuwait, and asked ‘Is it a dream?’  Sister Jayanti shared how, just as Dadi often says that there are five souls working through Dadi, so she definitely felt that Baba and Dadi were working through her on her Middle East trip.

Dadi feels that now it is Didi, Dadi, Chandermani Dadi and Shantamani Dadi who are working through Dadi, Of course, Baba and Mama are always there. Dadi Gulzar and I sit together and, when we do, Dadi Gulzar always talks about Baba and what Baba has said in the murli. Dadi mentions Baba as much as 15 times in 15 minutes!  When a soul enters another, that person can get confused and lose their own personality. But Dadi has her own personality, her own power, and so is able to make these others work through her without being suppressed by the other souls. So, always stay in your own personality. Dadi Gulzar has her own personality - no one can be compared with her. I tell Dadi Gulzar, ‘When people see you, whether you say anything or not, they see Baba. If I just give drishti and don’t speak, they won’t be happy but souls are not content until they have taken drishti from you’. Our roles are very different.

I have all the Dadis’ good wishes working through me. This is the point I want to make: that it is so important to have good wishes. The ancestors have very good wishes for Dadi – that Dadi is going to do what Baba wants.  All the blessings that Dadi Gulzar has brought for Dadi from Baba Dadi keeps in a spectacles case and will share them one day. In your effort let there be Baba’s love, Baba’s blessings, Baba’s boons, Baba’s sakaash and Baba’s current. And then you will see…  Each of you has your own individual right to all of this and that is what makes you automatically soul conscious.   It is the ego ‘bug’ that makes us say things like ‘maybe’ and ‘but’ and brings bad feelings and takes away Baba’s love, Baba’s blessings – everything.

After Dadi had been in hospital, Baba had said that Dadi shouldn’t travel and so Dadi said ‘OK, I won’t travel.’ But more messages came after that.  Sitting with Dadi Gulzar in the car, Dadi asked: ‘Has Baba said anything?’ And Dadi Gulzar answered: ‘Stay carefree; see what’s in drama.’ So Dadi stayed carefree. Dadi didn’t ask: ‘Should I go or not?’  Dadi waited, carefree, until Baba said what was needed. Dadi was able to do so much service in the meantime. And then – drama - Dadi brought a note with a message from Baba saying that Dadi should come. Baba is responsible. Baba knows. Wherever Baba makes us sit… So this is the blessing for all of you: stay carefree.  Everyone was happy to give Dadi leave. And Dadi can give sustenance across the world from wherever she is sitting.

Each one has their own part and just has to stay in their own self respect. It is due to body consciousness that we get the feeling of being insulted.  We mustn’t allow our eyes to be pulled here and there. Stay in the whole list your self respect. As we heard in today’s blessing: greatness is to be humble.  If there is even a trace of anything old, finish it now.

Om shanti.
Dadi Janki  - 24th April (pm) 2012  - Shantivan
Sit under the tree and do tapasya

Whatever Baba says must be done and I will tell you what I do.  When I look at Madhuban and see Baba’s creation I wonder and I think whose creation is this? This is Baba’s creation!   We take our meals from Baba’s treasure store!   Thinking like this makes it so easy to remember Baba. When we remain introverted how do we speak? What do I speak and what do I do from morning until evening?  Like a pigeon I just say mm mmm; just yes, yes to God.  By listening to God’s versions we receive so much power.  Then we can distribute what God gives to us.  What does a pigeon do?  In Bharat they think it is a very great charity to feed pigeons and I have seen everywhere people throw grains for pigeons to eat.  It is remembered in the scriptures that when God was speaking His versions the pigeons were nodding.  So we have to speak less and listen more.   What service do we have to do? Whatever Baba says we have to do. 

Today, Baba said He is the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness.  Ask yourself the self: Who am I, do I bestow happiness and remove sorrow?  Dadi Gulzar said earlier:  Mind is mine.  I am not the mind…  I am a soul, my father is the Supreme Soul.   When we first come into the knowledge it is necessary to keep repeating and thinking I am a soul to get rid of the arrogance of the body. We can then become free from attachment to the body.   Our mind goes up above when we remember the soul and the Supreme Father.  Is this effort?

Whatever you teach a parrot it will repeat.  So there is a parrot, pigeon and a puppet.   the soul, make the body move and Baba is making me move.  This is wonderful!  A puppet is worked by the puppeteer.  I  tell everyone to develop such relationships with Baba that  there is never any difficulty to remember…  You will then enjoy remembrance very much. Leave the practise of wasting your time.  Enjoy Baba’s company.   Leave all the questions of who, why, what, and where!   We just need to practice the drills. 

Brahma Baba, the father  is sitting below the kalpa tree, doing tapasya. I have to do this too.  I have to think for myself that this is the Confluence Age and the Golden Age is about to come. Tapasya allows us to become great,  absolves our sins and allows us to create elevated thoughts.  We become innocent of desire and receive power.  I now have to become part of the Sun Dynasty.  The entire knowledge of the tree we can see when we sit beneath it. 

Dadi says says she has seen Baba sitting below the tree in Calcutta and likewise we must do this and look at the cycle rotating and realise it is time to go back home. Our parts are ending.  For half an hour practise this.  Then look at the picture of the ladder.  Imagine you are coming from the Sun Dynasty gradually…down  the ladder… Then imagine you are sitting in a lift, and just press the button.  Sit in tapasya.  We have to absorb Baba’s knowledge to such an extent so we become knowledgeful, loveful and peaceful.  Baba is giving us a lift as a gift.  

 Brahma Baba became avyakt whilst doing so much service.  Even whilst in the sakar form I saw how he became avyakt.  Baba always kept in his aim and awareness, that ‘I am the one who becomes Vishnu’ and the tapaswi Shankar.  Look at all three.   Brahma Baba has become an angel.  Have the practise of becoming detached from the body. 

Baba has spoken in His previous murli that Shankar had the venomous snake around his neck.  We have to become conquerors of the poison of the vices, absolve our sins, become pure souls and real gold,  the beads of the rosary and the garland around Baba’s neck.

Intense effort makers never slack in their effort.  Intense effort makers are not those who sometimes make intense effort and sometimes slack.  Those who have royalty are intense effort makers.  Be honest, have a broad mind and intellect.  Have a big heart, and absorb everything in the heart.  Forgive others.  Remember these things and you will achieve success.  Intense effort makers can sometimes jump in their efforts and sometimes slacken. Now become a continuous effort maker. 

Consider yourselves souls and remember Baba.  This family is so beautiful.  Knowledge is we are souls and we are having yoga with the Supreme Soul.  We are Brahmins becoming angels, this is our dharna.  We have to make others equal to the self whilst remaining in self esteem.  This is service.  Remember the elevated titles that Baba gives us and then there will be quality effort.

Om Shanti
Dadi Gulzar – 24th April 2012 – Shantivan

Am I becoming an angel like Brahma Baba?

When moving around and greeting one another we say, “Om Shanti”.   We not only say “Om Shanti” but we need to remain stabilised in that stage. When challenging scenes come in front of us we think, “Om Shanti” and everything becomes good.

Baba has already become an angel. If I want to go back with Baba then I also have to become an angel. We have promised to go back with Baba and so I have to check personally if I am really becoming an angel. You have a lot of love for Baba don’t you? One who loves another will do what that one says. Even if he or she has to sacrifice the self – the one who loves another will definitely do what that one says. And Baba is just telling us to become equal to Him.   This is why our attention has been drawn towards having volcanic meditation. It is this that will make the soul equal to Him. The method for this is to keep the mind busy because it is the mind which fluctuates. Therefore, to keep the mind busy set your own timetable according to your individual circumstances because it is very necessary to keep control over the mind. 

Baba has given us many methods to control and rule our minds. All I have to do is to move along in the way that Baba tells me to and then I will never be separated from Him.  We are always very close to Baba and by making such efforts our lives become beautiful. It is this closeness to Baba which allows the soul to have volcanic yoga. 

Our aim is to have volcanic form of meditation but as Baba has seen there is a lot of negativity and waste in the mind and as long as there is waste in the mind there cannot be the volcanic form of meditation.  Make it firm that you have to become the volcanic form of a yogi.  It is not that I have to try – no, I have to become this. To do this means is a sign that there is great love for Baba. If He tells us to do it, we have to do it.  

When you sit for amrit vela and connect with Him, you will receive whichever power you wish from Him.  After amrit vela set your timetable for the day and practise drill throughout the day at various times according to your own timetable. Do this when you are walking and moving around.  Check yourself through the day: Am I doing what Baba is telling me to? Follow this schedule and then at night, before going to sleep, give your report to Baba.  Keep whatever aim you had in your mind and check as to whether there was any obstruction in that or not.  If there are obstructions you will not sleep well! Keep your timetable according to your circumstances, schedule and according to what Baba has said.  

God Himself has given us many titles whereas other people in the world may have one or two titles that have been given to them by other human beings.  Baba, Himself is giving us these titles.  Baba says: You are My sweetest children, My long lost and now found children, My angel children, My Brahmin children.  We have received so many titles from Baba.

Mama was just a kumari when she came yet she quickly became “Mama’. We used to ask her what effort she was making.  Mama would say that the effort she was making was of only two words.  The two words were, “Baba says and I do”.   Our effort should be the same; we should not think about whether we should or can do this or not.  

We listen to the Murli every day. Baba gives us directions for all four subjects   knowledge, remembrance, dharna (inculcation) and service every day.  While listening to the Murli note down what Baba says for each subject.  If you don’t get a chance to relate knowledge to others, at least churn the ocean of knowledge.   Whatever directions we get for meditation or remembrance, check that.  For dharna and service, check and at night give your report to Baba. We experience so much zeal and enthusiasm when we are able to tell Baba that we did what He said.  This will also please Baba greatly.  Baba has love for all of us and our return of that love is to do what He says.

Om Shanti

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