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Monday, April 16, 2012

Dadi Janki and Dadi Gulzar – 11th April 2012 – Shantivan The Call of Time

Dadi Janki:  15th April 2012 (by phone to London)                   

Appreciate from the heart…

At this time, having love for Baba, we experience His cooperation and love and then we will go Home together, be at Home with the Father and then come into the kingdom all together.   From recent meetings (in Madhuban) one of the words that is coming up is ‘appreciation’.    To appreciate from the heart is what is needed. To encourage someone, to give enthusiasm, love and recognition is really another form of appreciation.

There is such wonder of Avyakt Baba!  Baba is still giving sustenance of the sakar form through the avyakt form.  Surrender with love for God.  Experience success by using everything in a worthwhile way and sacrifice everything into the sacrificial fire.  Each one has the deep feeling from the heart to become equal to the Father.  Make sure your face and activity reveals the Father, then anyone who sees you, will see Baba, and in seeing the Father they will also see the children.

Dadi has been receiving news of birthdays coming up……Baba used to say not to celebrate birthdays as we now have our alokik birthday, yet on your birthday see what alokik gifts you have received.  Each one make sure your stage remains very good and that automatically will do service.

Om Shanti
Dadi Janki and Dadi Gulzar – 11th April 2012 – Shantivan
The Call of Time
Dadi Gulzar

According to the present circumstances, all souls have the desire that something needs to change now. Naturally, when it comes to change we always wish for change for the better.  Recognizing everyone’s desire, we are aware that this The Call of Time (as chosen for the theme for this year) is an important topic.  This topic reminds us of our faith and intoxication that our kingdom that is coming and for that we have to prepare the souls of the present time. Dadi thinks that this topic is appropriate for the present time. 
Only a few get an opportunity to make speeches but we should think about this topic on a personal level.  The kingdom is about to come and all of this has to change for that.  What do I have to do for this?  We must especially think about this.  This topic will help us in our efforts.  The time has come and change definitely has to take place, what do we have to do?  We have to understand the implications of this topic for ourselves for our own transformation as well as for world transformation.   This is the need of the time and so we need to understand the importance of the secrets in this topic.  This is important for us as well as for world transformation.
Dadi Janki
Om shanti makes us alert, accurate and ever-ready.  I have to pay attention to my personal stage rather than thinking of others now.  When Dadi met Baba for the first time he said that there would not be another Diwali. How many Diwali’s have there been since then?  Yet Baba said there would not be another Diwali.  Why did he say this? For our effort.  From the beginning, Baba has been saying that destruction is immediately in front of us. In every Murli He says that the new world is coming and we will be there.  Even now this is our kingdom.  Look how we are sitting.  We are the worry-free, carefree -free emperors.  This is our intoxication, our brilliance.  Baba’s revelation is almost accomplished.    Seeing such light and might, it is immediately asked where this might is coming from.  Other than the Sun is there anything else that can remove darkness?   Other than the full Moon is there any other image to mirror our completion? Since the beginning Baba has told us to look at the full moon - to become complete like the full moon.
We should look at ourselves. The angelic stage needs to be created.  Whenever there was the full moon Baba would ask Dadi to go and sit in front of it and invoke the fullness of the full moon.  Dadi would stay awake the whole night.  
That completeness has to come into us because until today Baba has said become complete, become full and this can only happen when we become like Baba.  Keep looking at Baba. There is natural transformation when we do this.  In the blessing Baba said it should be that our stage is as natural as breathing. If not now when would it be? Remember that the time of destruction is in front of us and keep that stage. . 
There is great strength in the word “One”.  Baba says:  “Child, don’t think of anyone else.  Don’t have any waste thoughts.”  There is such a difference between wasteful thoughts and powerful thoughts.  It is said that waste is poison and powerful thoughts are nectar.  Now, open up your eyes and ears – waste thoughts are like poison and bring your whole stage down.  The need of the time now is the complete stage. We have to completely destroy the negative by using the positive within ourselves.   Positivity erases the negative.  The mind runs the body.  It is not body mind but mind body.  The work of the mind is to keep matter in order – to tell the body to be quiet. When we keep the body in order it becomes right.
In Karachi we had beautiful gatherings of the Father with sitting with the daughters. Baba was sitting there and we were sitting a bit like we are now. Baba said at that time that there would be visions of this gathering - of the Father sitting with the daughters.  It was such a powerful gathering.  We were sitting there and people had visions of that gathering.  Many used to have visions of Brahma Baba.  Baba has asked us to make our stage so high that we can play the avyakt part. In fact Baba’s avyakt part has become a mirror for us.  
For 33 years he played the sakar part. For 42 years now he has been playing the avyakt part.  What is our part while he is playing that part?  We are Baba’s children and He says: “You are Mine.”  So should we not make it clear through our faces and our behaviour whose children we are?  Then many people can come to know us and have visions. The eyes of the souls who were yearning and stumbling will open up.  For this we need to have such visions; such experiences ourselves, and this is why we have been holding has been The Call of Time programme for the last 15 years. From experience we know that this topic opens up peoples’ intellects.  
There are many people who have a lot of tension and concerns about the world.  They want to come and listen to what is being said and that is enough for them. 
The phrase, “The Call of Time” is very good.  Time is telling us what we have to do.  Baba tells us to understand and to put it into practise.  Baba says:  “Can you not hear the call of the time?”  According to the time, what are the Bramha Kumaris doing?  People are hearing that God is One.  There is one God and one family - how did it become like this?   The Call of Time programme has been good for this.   
I should now create such a stage that I should not have even a second of waste. We must take care of ourselves; there will be issues and problems that seem not to want to let us go but we must not allow them to bring us down even slightly. It might be a personal thing or something to do with others but we will keep ourselves steady and concentrated with a very firm clear intellect. 
Baba takes care of His children.  We come together with such a powerful love.  This is the call of the time.  The power of the time is such that people are seeing how God is making everyone move and do good work with His great love.
Om shanti

Dadi Janki – 16th April 2012 – Shantivan
Pack up everything and be ready to go home
Fifty percent of what we accumulate now depends on our thoughts. If I have ordinary thoughts, body conscious thoughts or only keep thinking about the work I have do then can I call my thoughts high quality thoughts? We need to keep checking the quality of our thoughts. Check: Am I moving in soul consciousness? Am I getting that feeling of working in the state of soul consciousness? You may have become a BK but unless you practically think pure thoughts then you cannot experience deep peace. My thoughts have to now be very, very pure. Keep checking your thoughts and keep seeing Baba. Don’t make any excuses that situations or people prevent you from doing this. 
We cannot now afford to give excuses in any aspect. We have to see the practical example of Brahma Baba. Think deeply about it: there were so many situations that came to him yet He managed to keep Shiv Baba in front of Him. I have to free myself from vicious thoughts. I have to stay alert and in awareness. My awareness helps me to create a stage of volcanic yoga. Yet, I have to pay attention that my awareness is constant. 
Do you realise what a short time is left? We have to go back home now. Didi (Manmohini) always used to say, “We have to go back home, we have to go back home”. This should be my concern – I have to pack up everything and be ready to go back home. Included in this is to have packed up all expansion, extension and waste and to be carefree. Who can do this? Those who have the determined thought that everything is fixed in the drama. One who has a loving intellect… 
It is the time to meet with our Beloved. The Confluence Age is the time of meeting. Where am I now? Ask yourself this question. This world is full of rubbish – why should I keep any love invested in it?  Be detached and Baba will gift you a lift as a gift. You won’t need to work hard to make effort.  Baba has given many directions and my task is to bring them into my practical life and activity.
If you are obedient, faithful and loveful then Baba will be happy with you. Baba sometimes says that He gives love and remembrance number wise. In this, no-one wants to be number wise. We all want to be number one. This is not difficult – in fact it is easy. How can I be number one in line for Baba’s love and remembrance? Through my honesty, obedience and faithfulness. When we stay in reality that becomes our royalty. 
As a detached observer I can see how much love Baba has for everyone and how much love everyone has for Him. What is left to do now? We have to sit below the tree and do tapasya. We now have the entire knowledge of the seed and the tree. Without sacrifice I cannot do tapasya. I saw how Baba in Calcutta sitting below a tree doing tapasya. He would do tapasya before going to his shop. Now we are sitting under the kalpa tree looking at the time. 
There is a song; light the lamp of awareness of others through love. This is such a beautiful aspect. What is my effort in this? Simply to remember Baba and to do whatever Baba says. Baba’s Shrimat is so clear: do this, don’t do that. My task is to do what Baba says with zeal and enthusiasm and to check that my zeal and enthusiasm don’t decrease. The moment it decreases you will feel you have lost the oxygen which allows you to move and you will experiencea sense of suffocation.  
Om shanti

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