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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dadi's Class

Dadi Gulzar – 14th December 2011 – Shantivan
Have I become a master almighty authority?
Baba wishes that every child experience the fortune of happiness. Do you have the aim to remain
constantly happy? If God’s children cannot remain happy then who can? Happiness is the only thing in the
world that does not reduce when it is distributed. In fact, it increases when we distribute it.
We couldn’t find God but He found us. Why did Baba choose you especially? Because He knows that you
are His child. On becoming Baba’s child, He gave each one the blessing of being a master almighty
authority. I have to check myself throughout the day to see how much I have the awareness of being
an almighty authority and how much am I actually bringing that awareness into a practical
form. One who is a master almighty authority will not get disturbed by anything. Such a soul will be
detached and loveful. Whilst living in the world we need to become detached and loving. Only a
soul who becomes this can be truly loving to God.
Accumulating the power of remembrance of Baba is very important. Now check the self: How much income
am I earning each day? How much time am I spending on the pilgrimage of remembrance? How much
power did I accumulate?
Some feel that the power they need is not available to them at the time of need. What is the reason?
The reason is that you are not sitting on your seat of being a master almighty authority. Do you have
the faith that you are master almighty authority? If so, then sit on the seat! When you wake up in the
morning say good morning to Shiv Baba. To do this is to start the day in the best way. At night review your
day. Tell Baba the good and the not so good things you did. Was I a karma yogi? Did I remember Baba?
Give all the news to your Father in this way. If you make a mistake then take forgiveness from God.
Another aspect to check is: Have I given my negative thoughts to Baba? It is not good to take back that
which you have given away. This Confluence Age is very valuable. In such a small age we are earning for
the future kingdom of 21 births. The two most valuable treasures at the Confluence Age are time and
thoughts. I have to use both of these in the best way possible for the short period of time which is
left. In the short time that is left, in order to claim the kingdom for the future 21 births, a great deal
of attention is required. One second of the Confluence is very elevated and is invaluable. How should I
use my time now? Check: Did I waste any time today? Did I waste any thoughts today? This is the only
time we can meet God… The meeting of God will not happen in Satyug. Now is the only time for
accumulation. The future is to enjoy the fruit. We need to realise how valuable this time is. This is why Baba
tells us to become intense effort makers… not just ordinary effort makers.
Every day Baba speaks a Murli and I need to check each day as to how much I actually inculcate what He
says. Thus, there are only two words: Saying and doing. I have to do what Baba says.Nowadays Baba is
placing a lot of emphasis on service through the mind. It is the mind that fluctuates, gets distracted
and runs here and there. Service through the mind keeps the mind busy. Whilst doing a task pay
attention to your mind. When you check at night, if you see that you have not totally done what Baba said,
then pay more attention to it the next day. In fact, each one knows what weakness or deficiency they have
within. It is time to leave those things now. Go in Baba’s room and take drishti and power from Baba and
leave that thing with Baba.
Shiv Baba is incorporeal but Brahma Baba is corporeal. Therefore, it is possible for us to do as he does.
Brahma Baba has a great deal of love for all Brahmins. If you have love for him, then the sign of love is to
become equal to him. Baba’s courage enabled him to create this Yagya with Shiv Baba’s help. He had so
much faith in Shiv Baba – that Shiv Baba was getting everything done… He gave us teachings with great
love. He taught us that we were elevated souls who belong to Shiv Baba. We used to see ourselves in this
way. He taught us that we were deities in an ordinary form… the living images. Such is Baba’s love. Now
check yourself against Brahma Baba: Did Baba think such thoughts? Did he speak such words? Did he
perform such actions? This is the method to follow the father. Keep yourself busy in this way and keep
earning an income at every step.
Om Shanti

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