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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dadi Janki 27.12.11 Gyan Sarovar

Dadi Janki  27.12.11 Gyan Sarovar
Elevated thought is a wonder!

When the creation is beautiful, the Creator is also beautiful.  I am happy seeing both.  By following shrimat we can remain happy and share this with others.  If we want to be happy who do we need to learn it from?  I will share a few secrets on how to remain happy. 

We are not going to remain happy by just saying ‘ I am a soul’ but we need to engage the mind and intellect, because only then will the sanskars become elevated.  Engage the mind with ‘manmanabhav’ and the intellect with ‘madhyajibhav’.  When we say ‘manmanabhav’, our mind goes above and when we say ‘madhyajibhav’, the intellect goes towards satyug.  Baba says ‘child’.  Who is He calling? The children of a kalpa ago.  When Baba reminds us of this, we remember who we are.

In the beginning, Baba ground within us children renunciation and tapasya. He enabled us to experience this practically.  The fruit of the tyag and tapasya from the beginning is being eaten now and has spread across the world.  Service has expanded a lot, so what do we children need to do now?  Become images of tyag and tapasya (ones with an attitude of renunciation and an image of deep spiritual endeavour). Then there is no need to ‘do’ service.  With tyag and tapasya, we become ‘manmanabhav’ and’ madhyajibhav’ and the attention goes towards Baba. 

We have to claim a royal status.  Am I stable, unshakeable and immoveable on this seat I have received?    There are two common illnesses across the world: mischievousness and fluctuation – when we get distressed and start to think ‘what will happen’.  Yet, nothing will happen to us, when our companion is God.  Baba’s children have had so many test papers. They do not come to make us afraid; in fact they get scared of us and run away.  If we start thinking that there is a ‘reason’, and find excuses, the situation becomes like a ghost that follows us.  I have practical experience of how, whenever Baba is present, the situation has no strength - and whenever there is the force of a situation, Baba cannot be present.  Baba is watching to see if the child is concerned with the situation or engaged with Baba, Baba.    Can we all say ‘My Baba has come?’

When we develop a mischievous attitude our eyes gets trapped in something and then the intoxication we receive from Baba finishes.  Check yourself.  These two habits create so much loss.  It doesn’t allow the body or relationships to become stable. These illnesses make us useless.  Understand these illnesses; remain alert and cautious and do not lose your honour through distress.   Today take the gift of becoming free from mischievousness and fluctuation.  Our eyes should not get attracted or trapped.  If anything comes in front of you, emerge Baba.  Even in your dreams emerge Baba:  Thank you Baba, lovely Baba.  Let this sound come from deep inside and Baba will become present.  When Baba is with us in our breath, thoughts and time, no situation can be so big.  Our stage is powerful and strong and we have found God, who can chase away all the ghosts and evil spirits.  The old world of kalyug is going and satyug is coming.  Wherever you are sitting send vibrations of peace to the world. 

It is good we have two ears for listening and only one mouth for talking.  Every day listen to and read Baba’s murli.  Baba relates such beautiful things in the Murli and so churn and think about it deeply and bring it into your dharna.  If you do this, then you are a maharathi.  If you get involved in anything else then you are a horse rider and if you think too much about anything then you are in the infantry.  The horse rider has to exercise control (use the whip).  Those in the infantry, instead of experiencing happiness, always complain about things.  In my life I have kept the thought that I do not want to complain about anyone or have anyone complain about me. There are such good things and maharathis will bring these into their lives.  Baba taught me how to live my life in a practical way.  Shiv Baba through Brahma Baba has taught us how to live and deal with other people.  We see the world in front of us and the world is watching us. 

We are coming up to 2012 now and we do not know what is in the Drama so from today make your stage stable.  Let your experience be so good, that whoever sees you never forgets meeting youLet them not forget the experience they need to experience, and not remember what they need to forget.  People should feel what Baba is like through us. To the extent that you have a connection with Baba, you receive a current which finishes everything.  Who practises this?  Practise the daily blessing and do not waste your time and thoughts.  Make your thoughts powerful and determined.  Never lose this key of determination, because it is the key to inner power.  Baba says He gives us the key.  When our thoughts are determined and elevated it will become practical.  Elevated thought is a wonder.   Baba is doing it and inspiring us to get it done. 

Our renunciation should be visible on our faces.  Spread the wave amongst the children and the youth, with ‘Mera Baba, lovely Baba’.   Take the power to become immoveable and unshakeable.   All we have to do is let the good wishes and feelings work, with selflessness.  Maintain the thread of love amongst one another.
Om shanti.

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