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Monday, December 26, 2011

Dadi Janki – 25.12.11

Dadi Janki – 25.12.11 – London (by phone from Mumbai)
Our Happy Kismet (Fortune)

You are all every happy, aren’t you? Should I say, ‘Happy Christmas’ or ‘Happy Kismet (fortune)’?  All of you are fortunate and so you have the great fortune of being happy all the time.  Whose directions (kis mat?) are you following? You are following shrimat, the most elevated directions.  Following shrimat takes you beyond the earth and sky right up to our home.

Dadi has often spoke of the three ‘P’s – pigeon, parrot and puppet – and now there’s a fourth ‘P’ – pilot.  The pilot sits in the plane with a plain intellect and takes you across.

Dadi was sitting with a Bollywood actor. He is a number one actor in the world but Dadi is also a number one actors!  He is a star and I am a star who belongs to the Supreme Father! What a wonderful part every single one of us is playing. Do we appreciate how special is the part we play with God?

Take care never to forget: Who am I, who do I belong to and what am I doing now?

Baba gives us signals at every step. Hey, soul, what is it that you need to do now?  Having given us self-realisation, Baba then taught us how to spin the discus of self realisation. May you be free from looking at others, thinking about others, speaking about others – and also from blaming others. For this New Year just have the clear, determined thought: I am definitely going to become complete and perfect.

Dadi is Baba’s special toy.  Become Baba’s special toy, too, and play with Baba.

Special greetings to each and every one of you on this special day.

Om shanti.

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