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Friday, December 30, 2011

Interview with Double Foreigners -Dadi Janki

Dadi Janki  28.12. 2011, Gyan Sarovar. 

Interview with Double Foreigners

At the present time the scenes of the world and the form of the yagya is changing rapidly and this time is like the transition stage.  During this time we have to really awaken the power of transformation in the self and this is dependent on our attitude.  The aim of this interview is to understand this ‘attitude shift’.   When we are physically ill the doctors say that the medicines work only 30% and the power of recovery is based on our attitude.  We will look at the definition of renunciation and tapasya and go into the depth of these two words.

Often we think ‘renunciation’ means giving something up and this can create feelings of heaviness and  Dadi has been talking about renunciation differently in a way that it is more about inner purity and virtues and fullness to make a complete shift inside.  Can Dadi describe further the aspect of the new energy of renunciation which includes fullness and self appreciation? 

Murli 30 Dec

30 -12-11:
मुरली सार:- ''मीठे बच्चे - ऊंच पद का आधार पढ़ाई और याद की यात्रा पर है इसलिए जितना चाहो उतना गैलप कर लो''
 प्रश्न: कौन सा गुह्य राज़ पहले-पहले नहीं समझाना हैक्यों
उत्तर: ड्रामा का जो गुह्य राज़ हैवह पहले-पहले नहीं समझाना है क्योंकि कई मूँझ जाते हैं। कहते हैं ड्रामा में होगा तो आपेही राज्य मिलेगा। आपेही पुरुषार्थ कर लेंगे। ज्ञान के राज़ को पूरा न समझ मतवाले बन जाते हैं। यह नहीं समझते कि पुरुषार्थ बिना तो पानी भी नहीं मिलेगा। गीत:- भोलेनाथ से निराला... 

Points to Churn 30 Dec

  शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!
विचार सागर मंथन: दिसंबर ३०२०११ बाबा की महिमा: परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा...मीठा बाबा...दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा...सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु...पतित पावन ...गॉड फ़ादर...निराकार... बेहद का बाप...माशूक...एवर प्योर्...निष्काम सेवाधारी...दाता...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Murli 29 Dec 11

मुरली सार:- ''मीठे बच्चे - तुम अभी 21 जन्मों के लिए विश्व के मालिक बनते होअभी तुम्हारे पर ब्रहस्पति की अविनाशी दशा है'' प्रश्न: सच्चे सेवाधारी बच्चों की बुद्धि में कौन सी बात सदैव याद रहती हैउत्तर: धन दिये धन ना खुटे... वह सदैव दान करते ही रहते हैं। उनकी बुद्धि में रहता है कि हम अपना ही कल्याण करते हैं। बाप भी साक्षी होकर देखते हैं कि कौन-कौन अपनी जीवन ऊंच बनाते हैं और कौन पास होंगे। ज्ञान में मैनर्स भी बहुत अच्छे चाहिए। कभी छोटी-छोटी बात में फंक नहीं होना चाहिए। गीत:- तुम्हीं हो मातापिता तुम्हीं हो...

Points to Churn: December 29, 2011:विचार सागर मंथन

  शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!
विचार सागर मंथन: दिसंबर २९२०११ बाबा की महिमा: परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा...मीठा बाबा...दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा...सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु...साक्षी...वृक्षपति बाबा... पतित पावनबाप...गाइड...लिबरेटर...सर्वशक्तिमान... सदगति दाता...पतिओं का पति... गुरुओं का गुरु...अकाल मूर्त...ज्ञान का सागर...बेहद का बाप...सत श्री अकाल... स्वमान और आत्मा अभ्यास: 

Dadi Janki 27.12.11 Gyan Sarovar

Dadi Janki  27.12.11 Gyan Sarovar
Elevated thought is a wonder!

When the creation is beautiful, the Creator is also beautiful.  I am happy seeing both.  By following shrimat we can remain happy and share this with others.  If we want to be happy who do we need to learn it from?  I will share a few secrets on how to remain happy. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bk's 7 attachments File

7 attachments — Scan and download all attachments
Murli Headlines 28-12-2011.pdf
69K View as HTML Scan and download

Brahma baba Ki Visheshtayen - Pagess 3

Janaki Dadi - Pagess 2

Happeness - Pagess 3

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations at Brahma Kumaris - 20 Imagess

Murli 28 Dec

मुरली सार:- ''मीठे बच्चे - तुम अभी सच्चे-सच्चे सतसंग में बैठे होतुम्हें सचखण्ड में जाने का मार्ग सत्य बाप बतला रहे हैं''
 प्रश्न: किस निश्चय के आधार पर पावन बनने की ताकत स्वत: आती है
उत्तर: यदि निश्चय हो कि इस मृत्युलोक में अब हमारा यह अन्तिम जन्म है। इस पतित दुनिया का विनाश होना है। बाप की श्रीमत है पावन बनो तो पावनदुनिया के मालिक बनेंगे। इस बात के निश्चय से पावन बनने की ताकत स्वत: आती है। गीम:- आखिर वह दिन आया आज... 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 
हड्डी सुख का अनुभव करने के लिए बाप जो पढ़ाते हैंउसे बुद्धि में धारण करना है। विचार सागर मंथन करना है।
इस कब्रिस्तान को देखते भी नहीं देखना है। हियर नो ईविलसी नो ईविल...। नई दुनिया के लायक बनना है। 
वरदान: ईश्वरीय भाग्य में लाइट का क्राउन प्राप्त करने वाले सर्व प्राप्ति स्वरूप भव
          दुनिया में भाग्य की निशानी राजाई होती है और राजाई की निशानी ताज होता है। ऐसे ईश्वरीय भाग्य की निशानी लाइट का क्राउन है। और इस क्राउन की प्राप्ति का आधार है प्युरिटी। सम्पूर्ण पवित्र आत्मायें लाइट के ताजधारी होने के साथ-साथ सर्व प्राप्तियों से भी सम्पन्न होती हैं। अगर कोई भी प्राप्ति की कमी है तो लाइट का क्राउन स्पष्ट दिखाई नहीं देगा। 
स्लोगन: अपनी रूहानी स्थिति में स्थित रहने वाले ही मन्सा महादानी हैं।

Meditating With Open Eyes

To recognise one's own uniqueness is to respect oneself. 

Expression: To have respect oneself based on other people's opinion or situational achievements is to have respect temporarily. True respect for the self is based on the recognition of the fact that every individual is unique with its own set of uique capabilities. This understanding enables one to see his own uiqueness without being influenced or wihtout company wiht ohters. 

Experience: When I know to recognise and appreciate my own uniqueness and respect myself on this basis, I am able to be free from ego and inferirotiy complex. I am also able to recognise naturally the uniqueness of the other persona nd respect him for it. Thus winning the love and respect of others too. 

विचार सागर मंथन: दिसंबर २८

  शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!
विचार सागर मंथन: दिसंबर २८२०११
बाबा की महिमा: परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा...मीठा बाबा...दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा...सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु...ज्ञान का सागर...ऊँचे ते ऊँचा बाप...हेविनली गॉड फ़ादर...निराकार...सदगति दाता...  पतित पावन..

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dadi Janaki

Dadi Janki – 26th December 2011 – Shantivan

What is my responsibility?

What is my responsibility now? It is to keep my thoughts, words and deeds elevated. We have to completely stop thinking and speaking waste. Our features are of Brahmins and our activities have to be the same. Why? Because it is time to glorify the name of the Father. See how your heart was before and how it is now. The heart has now received the power of love, compassion and peace. Thanks to these three there is no pain in the heart. All the sorrow and feelings that were there previously have been removed. The mind has become peaceful. We received one Baba and through His remembrance we receive love, peace, purity and prosperity. There is nothing left to attain.

Nirwair Bhai

Nirwair Bhai – 25th December 2011 – Gyan Sarovar
Ours is a life of celebration

We have received knowledge of the Creator and the Creation from God Himself. This only happens once in the cycle. He has told us about the beginning, middle and the repetition of the cycle. It is a lucky soul who is awakened, understands and receives benefit.  It is a good reason for us to celebrate but Baba has told us that it is not just a matter of celebrating for a day but rather, this is a life of celebration. He comes only at the time of the Confluence. Those who come in direct contact with Him are the most fortunate. They are able to understand, feel and benefit from Baba’s presence, His words of wisdom and the eternal relationship with Him.

Previously we were addressing God as the Supreme, as the Father, but we did not have the practical experience of father and child. At this time we are able to see and realise the benefit we can take from Him. God has revealed the truth and we are now able to see the contrast. Many things seem similar to that which the religious founders preached. Thanks to those teachings there was a great deal of benefit on the path of bhakti. On the path of bhakti souls received teachings and philosophy but what they did not receive was strength. Due to the wisdom of God there is enlightenment and truth and there is a great deal of strength in these.  Souls are able to realise the truth, take benefit and regain lost power. From the Copper Age onwards we had lost power due to a lack of awareness. We lost our awareness of being spiritual beings. Baba makes us aware and wants us to live by that truth in our consciousness. The more we realise and live by that truth this life becomes worth living. The soul feels it is alive at every moment…. Jeevan mukti is a celebration of life and it is ours to experience right now. Baba tells us that we will live such a high quality of life for 21 births. Yes, we will be human beings in the future but we will be divine – godlike. Once the soul reaches that stage of consciousness there is continual joy. There is just the feeling of being light and happy – nothing else. Until we reach this stage we need to make effort. Each soul has a right to Baba’s knowledge and inheritance. Once getting set on the path we find companions to fly and dance with. But I need remember that my closeness to the Supreme depends on my level of soul consciousness. The more I am soul conscious, the more I can feel close to that One. The closer I am to the Supreme, the higher I can fly. It is that flying which is the real celebration. Petrol is not required in this type of flying. No help is required… The method to fly constantly is to have beautiful and positive thoughts. How positive can I remain? Positivity is the master key in reaching this stage. Learn to be positive and live in reality… don’t live in your imagination. The more positive you are, the longer you will be able to fly.

Live by the truth and really see how wonderful this life becomes. Baba has told us that Brahmin life is a diamond life. A diamond is the most precious object. To live this life at this time is very practical. Why are we all here? We are here to meet our Supreme parents face to face and to be together as a family. We also come together on special occasions such as retreats, to reassess our own stages and to make up anything that is lacking. At these times we get the chance to focus and to go deeper into different aspects of spirituality, meditation and dialogue. We get the chance to sharpen our own intellects and to keep evolving to higher and higher levels. After all, our aim is to reach, to regain, that highest stage of being like our Father – the stage of perfection in all aspects – full of spiritual strength and divine qualities – the flawless stage and the stage of being a bestower, a philanthropist. To become like this would be our greatest gift to the world. Christmas is the time for giving so become a bestower and share your treasures. Baba has told us that material gifts are limited but sharing spiritual wisdom with others is the greatest gift. Do this and life becomes a celebration which goes on and on…  During the Confluence this is the way to celebrate and that celebration will continue on through the Golden and Silver Ages until we forget ourselves. So now enrich yourself with Godly wisdom – play with the gems and share with others! The whole world would be able to appreciate and celebrate this Confluence Age if we share with them…

What does it mean to assess my own stage? It means to see how much I have inculcated virtues and conquered my weaknesses. To what percentage have I done this on the level of consciousness, speech and action? Have I come to the stage whereby I am able to live in a pure consciousness all the time? A stage where there is no negative thought in my mind? A thought may come and go but it doesn’t stay with me because I don’t keep on churning it. How far has my speech become divine? Do I speak like a deity? In the early days I saw how the original surrendered sisters had such a sweet way of speaking. Their vibrations were very sweet and very pure. One felt honoured to meet them. There was a great feeling of closeness  to them. I need to check myself: Do I have a feeling of friendly love with everyone? It doesn’t matter whether I am living in a centre or not, whether I am travelling, whether I am at work…. Some of those sisters had to return home to look after elderly relatives but they continued to live by Baba’s teachings. We are arranging programmes on the topic of ‘One God, One World Family’ but I need to see how much I have applied this awareness practically in my own life. Do I feel close to all others and do all others feel close to me? Do they feel that closeness, that love when they come in contact with me? Do I have a natural feeling of love toward the whole of humanity – no hatred towards anyone? BapDada is so positive towards everyone – even those who may have done something wrong. Baba has told us to be very positive to everyone – even someone who has hurt us. We need to think deeply about these things and realise that my own transformation will definitely help in the transformation of the world.

The message is being given through TV, radio and newspapers but in fact, we are all the best messengers Baba has. There are now 1 million BK’s, that is, there are 1 million teachers. One million teachers throughout the world can bring about change in the world. What is my responsibility in this? It is simply to inculcate Baba’s wisdom in my life – to be sincere and truthful to my own self.

Regarding service: Each artist presents his art in his own way. Each one does his or her best. We don’t know who will become instrumental for what in the future. Means of service change… there are new innovations and we need to be able to adapt to change. Refinement in service is happening but whether we are using science, art or another area as a medium to serve through, we need to remain true to our philosophy and to be clear to those we are serving. It is the truth that appealed to us and drew us here. It was peace and inner joy that brought us here. It was the experience of true, selfless love that pulled us here and these are the things that we need to base our service on and let others experience, because these are the things that will continue to draw people here.

Om shanti

BK Images-- 7 click

विचार सागर मंथन: दिसंबर २७, २०११

 शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!
विचार सागर मंथन: दिसंबर २७२०११
बाबा की महिमा: परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा...मीठा बाबा...दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा...सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु...ज्ञान का सागर...सदगति दाता...  पतित पावन...अविनाशी सर्जन...

Todays murli 27 Dec.


मुरली सार:- ''मीठे बच्चे - संगम की इन अमूल्य घड़ियों में श्वाँसों श्वाँस बाप को याद करो, तुम्हारी एक भी श्वाँस व्यर्थ न जाये''
प्रश्न: इस समय तुम्हारा मनुष्य जीवन बहुत-बहुत वैल्युबुल है - कैसे?
उत्तर: इस जीवन में तुम बाप के बच्चे बन बाप से पूरा वर्सा लेते हो। इसी मनुष्य तन में पुरुषार्थ कर तुम कौड़ी से हीरे जैसा बनते हो। बेगर से प्रिन्स, इनसालवेन्ट से 100 परसेन्ट सालवेन्ट बनते हो इसलिए तुम्हें इस समय को व्यर्थ नहीं गँवाना है। हर श्वाँस बाप की याद में रहकर सफल करना है। कर्म करते भी याद में रहना है।
गीत:- यह वक्त जा रहा है....
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 
1) अपना तथा दूसरों का जीवन हीरे जैसा बनाने की सेवा करते रहना है। टाइम, मनी, एनर्जी बरबाद नहीं करना है।
2) दूसरों का कल्याण करने के साथ-साथ अपना भी कल्याण करना है। बुद्धि रूपी झोली में ज्ञान रत्न धारण कर दान भी करना है।
वरदान: एक बाप की स्मृति से सच्चे सुहाग का अनुभव करने वाले भाग्यवान आत्मा भव
जो किसी भी आत्मा के बोल सुनते हुए नहीं सुनते, किसी अन्य आत्मा की स्मृति संकल्प वा स्वपन में भी नहीं लाते अर्थात् किसी भी देहधारी के झुकाव में नहीं आते, एक बाप दूसरा न कोई इस स्मृति में रहते हैं उन्हें अविनाशी सुहाग का तिलक लग जाता है। ऐसे सच्चे सुहाग वाले ही भाग्यवान हैं।
स्लोगन: अपनी श्रेष्ठ स्थिति बनानी है तो अन्तर्मुखी बन फिर बाह्यमुखता में आओ। 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Dadi Janki – 25.12.11

Dadi Janki – 25.12.11 – London (by phone from Mumbai)
Our Happy Kismet (Fortune)

You are all every happy, aren’t you? Should I say, ‘Happy Christmas’ or ‘Happy Kismet (fortune)’?  All of you are fortunate and so you have the great fortune of being happy all the time.  Whose directions (kis mat?) are you following? You are following shrimat, the most elevated directions.  Following shrimat takes you beyond the earth and sky right up to our home.

Dadi has often spoke of the three ‘P’s – pigeon, parrot and puppet – and now there’s a fourth ‘P’ – pilot.  The pilot sits in the plane with a plain intellect and takes you across.

Dadi was sitting with a Bollywood actor. He is a number one actor in the world but Dadi is also a number one actors!  He is a star and I am a star who belongs to the Supreme Father! What a wonderful part every single one of us is playing. Do we appreciate how special is the part we play with God?

Take care never to forget: Who am I, who do I belong to and what am I doing now?

Baba gives us signals at every step. Hey, soul, what is it that you need to do now?  Having given us self-realisation, Baba then taught us how to spin the discus of self realisation. May you be free from looking at others, thinking about others, speaking about others – and also from blaming others. For this New Year just have the clear, determined thought: I am definitely going to become complete and perfect.

Dadi is Baba’s special toy.  Become Baba’s special toy, too, and play with Baba.

Special greetings to each and every one of you on this special day.

Om shanti.

Vichar Sagar Manathan 26 Dec

ॐ शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!
विचार सागर मंथन: दिसंबर २६, २०११ 
बाबा की महिमा: 
परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा...मीठा बाबा...दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा...सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु...दिव्य दृष्टि दाता...नॉलेज फुल... रूहानी बाप...अशरीरी, विचित्र...रूहानी सर्जन...रूहानी पंडा...बीज...बिंदी...गाइड..लिब्रेटार...
स्वमान और आत्मा अभ्यास: 
१. हम अशरीरी आत्माएँ, रूहानी यात्रा के रूहानी यात्री, रूहानी सर्जन बाप से याद व योग सीखनेवाले, २१ जन्मों के लिए निरोगी, एवर हेल्दी, एवर वेल्दी रूहानी पंडे, राज्य भाग्य विश्व की बादशाही वाले हैं...

२. अंत मति सो गति....मनमनभव ! योगी भव! होली भव! हम आत्म अभिमानी आत्माएँ, चलते फिरते बुद्धि में बाप की निर्विघ्न याद रखनेवाले, हर सेकण्ड बाप के साथ अटूट कनेक्शन जुटानेवाले, पाप भस्म करनेवाले, ईश्वरीय शक्ति व करेंट से भरपूर, पवित्र, पावन, सतोप्रधान २४ कैरेट सोना, मायाजीत हैं, विकर्माजीत हैं, विजयी हैं.....अच्छे बुरे कर्म करनेवालों के प्रभाव से मुक्त, श्रेष्ठ तपस्वी हैं...शांतिधाम निवासी हैं...अमरलोक निवासी हैं...
३. हम त्रिकालदर्शी आत्माएँ, मीठे, रॉयल चाल चलन चेहरे वाले ज्ञान धारण कर दिव्य गुणधारी सेन्सिबुल हैं... रूहानी बाप से रूहानी ज्ञान सुनकर ज्ञान की भूं - भूं कर आप समान बनानेवाले, मनुष्य से देवता बनानेवाले, रूहानी पंडे हैं....रूहानी बाप के मददगार, रूहानी स्वीट चिल्ड्रेन हैं...
रसीले पायंट्स:
a. रूह से रूहरीहान अर्थार्त वार्तालाप तब हो जब दोनों को शरीर हो...
b. वह कहेंगे जीव आत्माओं की यात्रा और यह है आत्माओं की यात्रा...
c. हम जब योगबल से विश्व के मालिक बनते हैं तो क्या योगबल से बच्चा नहीं पैदा कर सकेत? पपीते का झाड़, मोर डेल का भी मिसाल है..

Todays Murli 26 Dec 11

मुरली सार:- ''मीठे बच्चे - तुम अभी वन्डरफुल रूहानी यात्री होतुम्हें इस यात्रा से 21 जन्मों के लिए निरोगी बनना है''
 प्रश्न: सतयुग में कौन सी चीज़ काम नहीं आती है जो भक्ति मार्ग में बाप के काम आती है
उत्तर: दिव्य दृष्टि की चाबी। सतयुग में इस चाबी की दरकार नहीं रहती। जब भक्तिमार्ग शुरू होता है तो भक्तों को खुश करने के लिए साक्षात्कार करानापड़ता है। उस समय यह चाबी बाप के काम आती है इसलिए बाप को दिव्य दृष्टि दाता कहा जाता है। बाप तुम बच्चों को विश्व की बादशाही देते हैंदिव्य दृष्टि की चाबी नहीं। 
गीत:- मरना तेरी गली में.... 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 
खुद सेन्सीबुल बनकर दूसरों को भी बनाना है। अपनी चलन बहुत रॉयल और मीठी रखनी है।
रूहानी यात्रा पर तत्पर रहना है। अपने पास अच्छी टॉपिक्स नोट रखनी है। एक-एक टॉपिक पर विचार सागर मंथन करना है। 
वरदान: अटूट कनेक्शन द्वारा करेन्ट का अनुभव करने वाले सदा मायाजीतविजयी भव       जैसे बिजली की शक्ति ऐसा करेन्ट लगाती है जो मनुष्य दूर जाकर गिरता हैशॉक आ जाता है। ऐसे ईश्वरीय शक्ति माया को दूर फेंक देऐसी करेन्ट होनी चाहिए लेकिन करेन्ट का आधार कनेक्शन है। चलते फिरते हर सेकण्ड बाप के साथ कनेक्शन जुटा हुआ हो। ऐसा अटूट कनेक्शन हो तो करेन्ट आयेगी और मायाजीतविजयी बन जायेंगे।
 स्लोगन: तपस्वी वह है जो अच्छे बुरे कर्म करने वालों के प्रभाव के बन्धन से मुक्त है।

Essence: Sweet children, at this time you are wonderful spiritual pilgrims. Through this pilgrimage you have to become free from disease for 21 births. Question: What is not useful in the golden age but is useful to the Father on the path of devotion? Answer: The key to divine vision. There is no need for this key in the golden age. When the path of devotion begins, God has to grant visions in order to please the devotees. This key is useful to the Father at that time. This is why the Father is called the Bestower of Divine Vision. The Father gives you children the sovereignty of the world, but not the key to divine vision. 
Song: To live in Your lane and to die in Your lane…Essence for dharna: 
1. Become sensible yourself and make others the same. Let your behaviour be very royal and sweet.
2. Remain engaged in the spiritual pilgrimage. Keep a list of good topics with you. Churn the ocean of knowledge on each topic.
Blessing: May you be a constantly victorious conqueror of Maya and experience a current through an unbroken connection.
The power of electricity gives such a current that a person can have a shock and fall far away. In the same way, there should be such a current in God’s power that it throws Maya far away. However, the basis of that current is a connection. While walking and moving around, your connection with the Father should be forged at every second. When there is such an unbroken connection, you will experience a current and become a victorious conqueror of Maya. 
Slogan: A tapaswi is one who remains free from the bondage of any influence from those who perform good or bad actions.