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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Vichaar sagar manthan: Mai 5, 2012

Swamaan/Sankalp /Slogan: Swaroop Bano
May 5,2012 :
हर आत्म प्रति शुभ भावनाशुभ कामना रखनेवालेफ़रिश्तेहैं ...
We are angels with pure feelings and good wishes for all souls...
Har atma prati shubhbhaavna, shubh kaamna rakhnewale farishte hain...

The Points are in 3 languages: Hindi, English and Hinglish (Hindi written in English Script) Please scroll down to the language of your choice.
 शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!! विचार सागर मंथन: मई ५२०१२ बाबा की महिमा: निराकार पतित पावन परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा...मीठा बाबा...दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा... सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु... बेहद का बाप...मनुष्य सृष्टि का बीजरूप...सत... चैतन्य...ज्ञान का सागर...बहुरूपी...

स्वमान और आत्मा अभ्यास:
१. हम आत्माएँहर श्वासहर संकल्पहर वैल्युबुल सेकण्ड सफल करनेवालेज्वाला मुखी योग से अपने अवगुण,पुराने संस्कारग़लतियाँ,कमज़ोरियाँखामियाँकीचड़ा भस्म कर ८ घण्टे बाबा की खातिर देकरश्रीमत पर चलनेवाले,सपूत बच्चे हैं...बेहद के बाप के बेहद के बच्चेअभी से त्रेता के अंत तक बेहद के सुख के वर्से के अधिकारी हैं... अपने तन-मन-धन सेभारत को पावनएवर-हेल्दीऔर स्वर्ग बनानेकी सेवा में लगे रहनेवाले२१ जन्मों के प्रालब्ध के लिए तीव्र पुरुषार्थी हैं...
२. हम आत्माएँआदि अनादि स्वरूप में सब भाई-भाई हैं...मनुष्य सृष्टि की नई रचना के जीते जी भाई बहन हैं...शिव वंशी ब्रह्मा कुमार ब्रह्मा कुमारियाँईश्वरीय संतान हैं...अपने जीवन को काँटों से फूलतमोप्रधान से सतोप्रधानकौड़ी से हीरे जैसा बनानेवालेशरीर निर्वाह अर्थ कर्म करतेगृहस्त व्यवहार में कमल फूल समान पवित्र रहकर मुक्ति जीवन-मुक्ति पानेवालेशूद्र सो ब्राह्मणब्राह्मण सो देवता सर्व गुण सम्पन्न हैं...
३. हम त्रिकाल दर्शी आत्माएँसारे सृष्टि चक्र और वर्ल्ड की हिस्ट्री- जाँग्राफी को जाननेवालेस्वदर्शनचक्रधारी हैं... बाप की संगम पर गाइ हुई गीताजो सर्व शास्त्रों की शिरोमणि हैजिस से भारत स्वर्ग बनता हैउसकी शिक्षा पाकर औरों को शिक्षा देनेवालेगीता का भगवान शिव परमात्मा को सिद्ध करनेवालेलायक और समझदार बच्चे हैं...
४. हम आत्माएँबाबा के होकरप्यार में खोकरलव की लगन में लवलीन बनकरमुहब्बत के झूले में झूलनेवाले,ख़ुसनुमाखुशालखुशनसीबखुशकिस्मतभाग्यवानभाग्यशालि हैं...ब्रह्मा बाबा के रॉयल बोलचालचलन और चेहरे को फ़ॉलो करनेवालेछोटी-छोटी बातों में अपनी बुद्धि वा समय न देनेवालेअपने मुख से हर बोलयुक्तियुक्तअर्थार्थ व्यर्थ भाव से परेअव्यक्त भाव और भावना वालेअपनी वृत्ति से हर आत्मा प्रति सदा शुभ भावना शुभ कामना वाली रखनेवालेअपनी दृष्टि से सबको फरिश्ते रूप में देखनेवालेकर्म से सदा सुख देने और लेनेवालेब्रह्मा बाप समान हैं...
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn: Murli of May 5, 2012
Praise of Baba:
The Incorporeal Purifier, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul is.... My Baba...Sweet Baba...Loving Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the True Father...the True Teacher...the True Guru...the Unlimited Father...the Seed of the human world tree...the Truth...the Sentient Being...the Ocean of Knowledge...the One with many forms...
Points of Self Respect and Soul Study:

1.   We, the souls, use every breath, every thought and every valuable second in a worthwhile way...we are the obedient children who burn all our vices, old sanskars, mistakes, weaknesses, shortcomings and garbage in the fire of volcanic yoga, give eight hours every day to Baba, and follow shrimat...we are the unlimited children of the Unlimited Father, who claim a right to unlimited happiness from now on until the end of the silver age...with our body, mind and wealth we keep engaged in the service of making Bharat a pure ever-healthy heaven...we are the intense effort-makers who receive a reward for 21 births...

2.   In the original and eternal form, we, the souls, are all brothers...in the new creation of the human world tree, we are all brothers and sisters...we are Brahma Kumars and Brahma Kumaris belonging to the clan of Shiv, and the children of God...we transform our lives from thorns to flowers, from tamopradhan to satopradhan, from shells to diamonds...while performing actions for the livelihood of the body and living with the family we remain as pure as a lotus flower, and attain liberation and liberation-in-life...from shudras we become Brahmins, and from Brahmins we become deities, full of all divine virtues...

3.   We, the trikaldarshi souls, are the spinners of the discus of self realization who know the world cycle and the history and geography of the world...we learn the Geeta sung by the Father at the confluence age and teach it to others; the Geeta that is the jewel of all scriptures, by which Bharat gets transformed to heaven...we are the worthy and wise children who prove the God of the Geeta is the Supreme Soul Shiva...

4.   By belonging to the Father, by being lost in the love of the Father, by being absorbed and merged in the love of the Father, we, the souls, become fortunate, prosperous, have happy faces, and swing on the swing of love...we are equal to the Father...we follow the royalty of  words, deeds, behaviour and face of Brahma Baba...we never engage our intellect or time in trivial matters...each word emerging from our mouth is yuktiyukt, with avyakt intentions and feelings and free from waste intents...our attitude towards each soul is with pure feelings and good wishes...we see everyone in an angelic form through our vision and give and receive happiness through our deeds...

Om Shanti divya farishte !!!
Vichaar sagar manthan: Mai 5, 2012
Baba ki Mahima:
Niraakaar Patit Paavan Parampita Paramatma Shiv Baba hain...Mera Baba...Pyaara Baba...Meetha Baba...Dayalu Baba...Kripalu Baba... Sat Baap...Sat Tichar...Sat Guru... Behad ka Baap...Manushy srishti ka Beejroop...Sat... Chaitany...Gyan ka Sagar...Bahu roopi...
Swamaan aur atma abhyas:

1.   Hum atmaayen, har shwaas, har sankalp, har vailyubul sekand safal karnewale, jwala mukhi yog se apne avgun, puraane sanskaar, galtiyaan,kamjoriyaan, khaamiyaan,  kichda bhasm kar 8 ghante baba ki khaatir dekar, shrimat par chalnewale, sapoot bachche hain...behad ke baap ke behad ke bachche, abhi se treta ke ant tak behad ke sukh ke varse ke adhikaari hain... apne tan-man-dhan se, bharat ko paavan, evar-heldy, aur swarg banaaneki seva men lage rahnewale,  21 janmon ke praalabdh ke liye tivr purushaarthi hain...

2.   Hum atmaayen, adi anaadi swaroop men sab bhai-bhai hain...manushy  shrishti ki nai rachna ke jeete jee bhai bahan hain...shiv vanshi brahma kumar brahma kumariyaan, ishwariy santaan hain...apne jeewan ko kaanton se phool, tamopradhan se satopradhaan, kaudi se heere jaisa banaanewale, shareer nirvaah arth karm karte, gruhast vyvhaar men kamal phool samaan pavitr rahkar, mukti jeewan-mukti paanewale, shudr so Brahman,  brahman so devta , sarv gu n sampann hain...

3.   Hum trikaal darshi atmaayen, saare srishti chakr aur warld ki histry- jaan graafi  ko jaan newale, sw darshan chakr dhaari hain... baap ki sangam par gaayi hui geeta, jo sarv shaastron ki shiromani hai, jis se bharat swarg banta hai, uski shiksha paakar auron ko shiksha denewale, geeta ka bhagwan Shiv Parmatma ko siddh karnewale, layak aur  samajhdaar bachche hain...

4.   Hum atmaayen, baba ke hokar, pyar men khokar, lav ki lagan men lavleen ban kar, muhabbat ke jhoole men jhoolnewale, khusnuma, khushaal, khush naseeb, khush kismet, bhaagyvaan, bhaagya shaali hain...brahma baba ke royal bol, chaal, chalan aur chehare ko folow karnewale, chhoti-chhoti baaton men apni buddhi va samay n denewale, apne mukh se har bol, yuktiyukt, arthaarth vyarth bhav se pare, avyakt bhaav aur bhaavna wale, apni vritti se har atma prati sada shubh bhavna shubh kaaman wali rakhnewale, apni drishti se sabko farishte roop men dekhnewale, karm se sada sukh dene aur lenewale, brahma baap samaan hain...

Dear BK Family.... Since March 1, 2012, we have started special Mansa service country wise, in alphabetical order. There are nearly 198 countries in the world and each day we can serve one country right from Amritvela until Night ... (this may also give us knowledge of a bit of history and geography) Please join us, it is an open invitation to all...

With Bapdada’s and the Advance Party's blessings, let us continue on the World Service Tour: May 5,2012:
Country: Eritrea
Capital (and largest city) Asmara
Population - 2011 estimate   5,824,000 (109th)
Official language(s)    Tigrinya, Arabic, English
Ethnic groups Tigrinya 55%Tigre 30%Saho 4%Kunama 2%
Rashaida 2% Bilen 2% Other 5% (Afar, Beni, Amir, Nera)
Demonym Eritrean
Government : Single-party provisional government
Independence -From Italy November 1941
 From United Kingdom under UN Mandate 1951
 from Ethiopia de facto  24 May 1991 -  From Ethiopia de jure   24 May 1993
Area  -      Total   117,600 km2 (100th) 45,405 sq mi

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