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Monday, May 14, 2012

Dadi Janki –

Dadi Janki – 10 May 2012 – GCH, London – Meeting those in the House
My breath, my health and my stage are all connected

·         Baba was talking in today’s murli about remembering Baba in every breath. What is Dadi’s experience of that?
·         How to donate knowledge, virtues and powers. And why is donating powers called the greatest donation?
·         How to maintain stability of the intellect?

It is essential to have a stable intellect – and only possible when you have remembrance of the One Father. When you are using weighing scales, the needle has to be stable, so that you can get an accurate measurement. When the intellect is stable, it’s easy to imbibe what Baba shares. When it isn’t, then even though you may like what Baba is sharing, it won’t go inside. Here we earn while we study. This isn’t so with worldly education - there’s no guarantee you will get a job according to what you’ve studied. People waste half their life in education and get into debt, which they’re then unable to pay off. In God’s study, with the stability of the intellect, we’re studying and earning at the same time.

A stable intellect enables me to be tension-free. With awareness and the remembrance of One I can maintain that stability of the intellect, and I’m able to perform good actions, because I have total attention. A stable intellect is so valuable! My thoughts, breath, etc are used in a worthwhile way. I don’t have any waste thought that I would need to control. God’s gift is always to have pure, elevated thoughts.  We cannot stop thoughts completely but we have to make sure there are no negative or sinful thoughts. Then every breath will be used well and, when the soul leaves the body, it’s guaranteed it will be in happiness – with no pull of bodily beings or anything relating to them.  My breath, my health and my stage are all very much connected. If your stage isn’t good, neither will your breathing be. Then you feel you’re just passing your time in an ordinary way, or you feel tired. By keeping in the right awareness at every breath, you’ll experience happiness and also that you are creating energy. One of Baba’s blessings to me was that in churning knowledge and what you hear in the murli, you are creating energy for yourself.

There’s power, strength and energy. Those who are weak need a lot of strength. Strength comes through knowledge – the weaknesses are removed and your faith deepens. You need power to be able to live in this world and in this body. You need the eight powers. The weak cannot understand the powers. When you understand knowledge, you are able to have yoga with Baba and you feel you are receiving power through the strength of knowledge. With the power of knowledge comes the power to transform within. When souls are weak, although they are receiving so much power from God, transformation is not happening; it is as though their eyes are not opening. Baba said at least 8 times today: Stay awake at night and remember Baba. Then you will receive so much power and happiness. Happiness is being victorious. With the power you receive from Baba you become victorious, because you become free – so you become happy.  We create energy by having happiness within.

Where does energy come from? Does it come from somewhere or is it about not spending it unnecessarily?  Look at your life and see how the powers you’ve received from God are making you do everything. God is pleased when He sees how the child is loving and detached, is using all the powers and is not making any fuss or any special requests. The river doesn’t drink its own water, and the tree doesn’t eat its own fruit. When you are altruistic and not attracted to anything else you can benefit many. The tree reveals what kind of tree it is; the gardener is just the instrument to provide happily for everyone. When we receive more fruits than we can use, we juice them and give the juice to others, to give them strength. Similarly, the essence of flowers makes a pure, powerful medicine. If you can’t draw the power, at least eat the fruit!  How do you stay healthy and wealthy? By eating fruits that make you strong.

First of all, donate knowledge. I may have a lot of knowledge but to speak about it in an ordinary way isn’t a donation but when it is given with feeling and received with benefit, that’s a donation that makes people wealthy. I can only donate virtues when I have so many virtues and no weaknesses myself. If I’m seeing even one defect, any virtues I have disappear. It’s not so easy to donate - you have to be worthy of it. We donate knowledge through our words and virtues through our company. The donation of powers is said to be the greatest donation. First be a donor, then a great donor then a bestower of blessings.

Some people are afraid of someone and don’t want to speak to them. That fear can even be based simply on hearing someone else’s experience. If you are able to explain to that person with love, that will give you so much power. Many become weak through fear of others, doubts and arrogance. They are afraid to speak clearly. They will not be able to have good remembrance, nor have good relationships with others. The experience of God’s love enables us to receive all the powers. Being empowered with God’s love has been the foundation for many people. This isn’t donation as such, but experiencing benefit through relationships and the closeness of those relationships. We are not giving donation; rather, because of receiving Baba’s blessings, they are drawing that power from Baba. We have to become donors and great donors – without ever counting. Whatever anyone wants, they can take from Baba, but if my stock is not full, how can others take from me?  When we become great donors, others will have the beautiful feeling of being sustained – by the company, the place, everything.  

Om shanti.
Dadi Janki - 12.5.12 - GCH, London
Everything is to do with the intellect

Dadi Gulzar called this morning and gave love and remembrances to everyone. Baba said: Always accept love and remembrances. You then feel that love inside you and you know how Baba is accepting your love and remembrance. It’s like when we offer bhog with love and Baba accepts it with love. Each plays their part. When you play your part with love, love is imprinted on the heart. When you are dry, even without realising it, you don’t enjoy anything. So play your role in such a way that everyone experiences God’s love.  When the soul receives love, it blossoms and the face sparkles.

‘At last the day has come…’ My Father, the Lord of the Poor, has come. The wealthy will never really flourish or be content; they will always want more. One who has nothing, on the other hand, feels that with Baba they now have everything. Forget the past; just keep what you have now received. Just talk about now.  Then share it now – not tomorrow – and transform now.  Baba knows that His children don’t know what they really want and so He shows them.

Someone asked: How do you know if a thought is my thought or Baba’s touching? A touching is not an extra thought. The intellect must be kept free to think about what is necessary or just peace. Whatever happened in the drama happened – give it no extra thought. Any force or doubt in the thought means that it is ‘my thought’. We must really value our thoughts. One elevated, pure thought makes us unshakeable and immovable. Create such a stage that you think in this way. If you are unsure about something, take advice. See what happens. If you think, ‘What will happen?’ or ‘This must happen!’, your thoughts will take over and make you do things in the wrong way - and at that moment there’s no connection with Baba.

Baba will inspire an obedient instrument.  Just imbibe and share – be a true Baba’s child. Let there be so much love and honesty within the self. It’s time to show the truth path to others.  Baba doesn’t just show the path, He takes us along it. Baba’s words go in the heart and sit there. So imbibe them. If anyone asks you, ‘What are you thinking?’, just say: ‘I like what Baba was saying to me - there’s nothing else to think about.’ 

Yesterday in Baba Bhavan I experienced the subtle region. No thought - just staying above in the incorporeal stage, then going to the subtle region and experiencing the avyakt, angelic stage. It’s not really above - we are remembering Baba above internally, With the intellect we’ve made Him belong to us and separated ourselves from everything here. We know we are going home, so we are finishing everything and we are not doing anything extra. But many don’t want to finish - they just want to expand. In service, there’s expansion outside but we need to finish what is happening inside, to keep our thoughts and words short and sweet and make others go beyond things - this is real service. We need to have an intellect that has renounced everything and an attitude of disinterest; then there are no thoughts. Everyone and everything is OK.

When you are here, stay here (in your thoughts); outside be like the lotus flower. Don’t remember people at home, when you come here and when you are at home, remember Baba. Everything is to do with the intellect. Increase the value of your life: receive the intellect from the Intellect of the Wise and forget your own intellect; it is infected by attachment and ego. Experience Baba’s directions in the intellect - Baba’s hand of shrimat on your head - then your head will be very cool and your heart happy. Baba is doing everything, while I sit quietly in the subtle region. Baba sits there, watching everything and sustaining all of us. It’s only when Baba went to the subtle region that most of you came to Baba. He does and He inspires us to do. Baba likes it when we see, understand and experience things in this way. For this the intellect needs to be clean, pure and concentrated with  complete faith that everything will be OK and Baba will inspire me. Otherwise, as you move forward, the intellect will develop more and more arrogance.

We have to make Ram belong to us and face Ravan. Our eyes should be such that Ravan doesn’t affect us. Not only Sita, we can all get caught and end up crying out to God from Ravan’s jail. Who lives in a jail? Those who do something wrong. In jail you have to do what the jailor says. Nobody can leave or enter. I choose to stay in the peace palace, a lovely place, where I sit royally, no matter what has to happen and the guards standing outside are pure thoughts and good thoughts. To stay peaceful is royal. To be loveful is to connect with everyone in a loving way. When I’m peaceful and loveful, I am automatically lawful - and knowledgeful. I know the law and others know that too. In the world, many who create the laws don’t follow them themselves. The One who makes us follow the laws is very loveful - that’s how the yagya has moved forward. Corruption, competition and criticism undermine everything. There’s none of that here and that’s why we are Baba’s children.

God is sustaining us through love and teaching us. In the Gita it says: I make you kings of kings and teach you Raja Yoga.  We are the practical proof. We don’t want to rule now. In the new world we will rule not as a result of taking or fighting but through our fortune and good karma. If you want that sovereignty, stay in this awareness, have faith in the intellect and finish all cheap, false sanskars. Doubt comes, when there’s no effort. Claim the sanskar of sovereignty now. Have that royal concern: is everyone happy?  Don’t make effort to please me – please Baba. Make Baba belong to you and remain happy. We have received so many treasures but some still don’t look happy. Why? Because they are not really doing what Baba wants - they still carry a burden. The destination is high and the road not always straight but just keep going in that direction and enjoy – and make everyone smile too. Om shanti.
Dadi Janki – 11.5.12 – GCH, London
The fortune and value of my life

Baba is ‘om shanti’ and we souls are ‘om shanti’.  We have the happiness of knowing that we belong to Baba and are special for Him. One out of millions, thousands or hundreds – which am I?  Don’t be happy to be among 100,000 or a 1,000. Everything is a matter of the intellect.  

Baba takes us beyond earth and the sky. The earth and the sky are now in our hands. I have the globe in my hands and am standing in front of it. Who will I be able to share this happiness with in the golden age?  Then everyone will have their own happiness, so they won’t be interested in listening to mine. 

We are all playing our part in God’s plan. God comes on this earth – we see it with our own eyes.  At the beginning we saw Shiv Baba come and now we see avyakt Baba.  We have always come running in front of both Babas. 

Are you still stuck in your old story or have you moved forward? Even now you can take a jump and become what you want. You may be moving without the support of a stick but with courage you can run and, better still, take a high jump. The mind is like a horse but you sit on the horse. You cannot jump without the horse. Hold the horse’s reins.  Hold the whip, too, but just for namesake; don’t use the whip on the mind, just give a signal with it for the mind to move.

I see how obstructions are preventing some people from moving forward. Now, from where you are, lift both your feet at the same time and jump!  You need bhavna (pure feelings), courage and faith for this. Many don’t know how to use courage and faith, although they have those qualities. Their intellect is caught up somewhere or they are purposely not using it. Consider yourself a soul and stay in the Father’s remembrance – naturally – and see what benefit that brings. Taste that.  Be a spiritual rose amongst the thorns. You can’t tell a thorn not to prick anyone, because that’s its job. I shouldn’t be pricked nor allow anyone else to be.  I will not be able to stay in remembrance, if I’m still allowing that to happen. God cannot benefit from such a life.

The main thing is to realise - and increase - the value of my life. Baba is there to help us day and night. Are you are sitting in a bullock cart or a horse carriage or on a plane with a plain intellect, according to God’s plan? Fly and continue to make others fly – this is God’s plan. 

To become a trustee simply requires truth, courage and faith.  Baba said today that some children don’t have any faith. There’s no need for any doubts. Why do doubts come? Maybe because your thoughts and words are not so elevated. By sharing the knowledge that Baba shares with us our mind will become good. Don’t have any arrogance of ‘I share knowledge well’ – just share what Baba shares. Incorporeal God speaks to souls through Brahma’s body and Brahma just shares what God is sharing. If you have the fortune of listening, churning and sharing knowledge, you will have very good yoga. Teachers who have the fortune of reading the murli should be aware that they are sitting on the Father’s gaddi. We used to read the Gita but now we are hearing the knowledge of the Gita from God directly!  

There is so much happiness and power in what we are attaining. Don’t be happy with just a little but become complete, as Baba wants. That should be my life.  We are all on the same pilgrimage of life.  Will you travel by foot, by car, by train or by plane?  Will you get the plane ticket or not? There’s no doubt that, with determination in your thoughts, you will reach the destination.

Om shanti.
Dadi Gulzar’s class for couples
10th May (eve)     ORC

                  Baba loves His jewels

Seeing you couples, Brahmin souls, I am remembering Baba. Baba would be very happy to see you if he were in sakaar form - what no one could do, my ordinary children have done it in practical. The sanyasis have become gurus, but they cannot do this. They think it is impossible for the cotton and fire to be together, but you have made this possible. The sanyasis are surprised to see this. Shankaracharya had come to Madhuban in Baba’s season. He was very happy to see such a large gathering (in the diamond hall which was full) of those who follow the dharna of celibacy. These couples have done what we could not do.
If one of the two (couple) follows gyan and the other does not there are clashes but if both come in Baba’s gyan then both say Mera Baba so it is like creating heaven in home. Baba is watching you from up above. You are very fortunate. I came to the boarding at 9 years of age. Baba had opened a spiritual boarding in which there were about 150-200 children. The teachers used to take us to the garden where Baba too used to come. On seeing the roses Baba used to say your face should be blossoming like these roses. There should be no questions of why, what on your face. This is Maya’s language. No matter what happens Baba said always remain like a fragrant rose in full bloom. How should the face of a spiritual rose be? Is your face always like blossoming rose?
This is such an elevated study so there definitely will be papers. But if you remember Mera Baba, then with Baba’s help everything will be ok. We haven’t yet become complete so something keeps happening. Don’t remember the problems, just remember My Baba. Be merged in the joy of Baba’s love. If not then remember your attainments. Baba is mine, but what has Baba given me? Remember the relations and attainments. Love emerges when you remember the attainments you have received from Baba. We have all relations with Baba. He is God, form of light, not a bodily being with whom we have just one relation. When there is no happiness, when your mind is upset and wanders, remember your attainments from Baba. There should be no wave of sorrow ever. There are four things needed in life: Happiness, Peace, Love and Bliss. Even if one is less it will create turbulence. When all four are there then we keep flying. First check do I have all attainments? When you remember this the name and trace of sorrow finishes. Have this practice. Baba has given us supersensuous joy.God’s power makes the impossible possible. Baba knows each child’s (jewel) specialty. At amrit vela Baba is very happy to see his jewels (children). He says wah my child wah. We had never thought or dreamt that God would ever say wah child wah. We did not even know what or who God is!
In sakaar Baba’s days, after Murli, not everyone but a few of us who had courage used to go to Baba’s room. We used to have chit chat with Baba – this point in the Murli was very good. Then Baba would say “ok you liked this point so don’t forget it. What will you do with this point now? Bring this point in your dharna.”
Baba’s love is no less. Saying Baba means experiencing the Ocean. Float in the ocean of love, ocean of peace, ocean of happiness. We experience so much happiness when we say with pride and intoxication that Baba is mine. Baba used to be so happy to see his children (couples) that his face was worth seeing. It was as if he has found some treasure, a gift of heaven.
We all meet Baba at amrit vela. When any maya comes remember the attainments and relations and merge in the ocean of love. We create our fortune of 21 briths in this 1 birth. Hence Baba says keep the importance of the time of confluence age. When anything happens the face speaks. Pay attention towards time and thoughts. When any thought arises, it is not just one thought but it continues for a long time. Our account is either created as waste or best. Baba says - my each child should keep flying as we have to become angels. We love Baba a lot so we have to do what Baba wants from us. Baba loves us so much. When he heard someone’s report he used to say go and meet that one or write a letter, send toli for that child. Even if we don’t realize , but Baba loves us so much. At amrit vela you can experience Baba in any form that you wish to. Only one God can fulfill all relations. The time of amrit vela is very very very valuable for us. Whatever you want can happen at this time.
Q: Whilst at work what is the method to make our karmayoga powerful?
A:  1) Baba is drawing our attention to set our programme for the mind because everything begins in the mind. If something happens and your stage is not good, at that very moment make your mind do the drill for 1 minute. Either the drill of 3 forms or 5 forms. When the mind is upset do the drill so the mind’s focus will shift.  2) Keep a list of titles of self-respect (swamaan). Every morning fix one title for yourself to do the drill. Revise it many times during the day and it will become firm. This will help in changing the mind. I am world benefactor, I am the diamond of Baba’s forehead, remember your titles like this. 3) In the morning when you have chit chat with Baba after that fix time table for the mind to keep it busy. When the mind is busy there is no maya. The verse of Manmanabhav is mentioned twice in the Gita. Even in remembering Baba we use our mind , not the body or wealth. Make your own programme according to your routine. If you understand its importance then you will definitely do it (as when you feel thirsty you drink water). Check yourself in 4 subjects based on the daily Murli. Check and change. Don’t be careless by saying it happens, it is ok. No, you have to become alert as we are the  spiritual military.
You should not sleep without giving Baba report of the entire day. No matter how tired or sleepy you may be, sit on a chair, first give your account to Baba. Go to bed only when you have done this. Take blessing from Baba and then you will have a sound sleep else you will have to go to dharamrajpuri. Baba today I made mistake in my thoughts, words, actions or relations. Seek forgiveness and then do not repeat it. You will sleep well without any disturbance or dreams. It will feel as if you are in yoga, sweet sleep.
Q: The final paper is of having a stage of destroyer of attachment and embodiment of remembrance (nashtomoha smriti swaroop). What effort should we make to have this stage?
A: When you see everyone in the form of a soul then there will be no attachment. There is attachment when you see the body or your connection with that person. Have the awareness that the soul has a connection with the soul. Make this lesson firm. Even if you are related to someone, now we are children of Supreme Soul. When the lesson of the soul is not firm you see various forms. Your vision should become soul conscious. Only when I am in the awareness of being a soul myself can I see others as a soul too. This should be practiced many times a day. Check yourself, am I seeing the soul or the bodily relation?
Q: Many people ask the BKs make couples as brother and sister, how do we explain this to them?
A: First give them the introduction of the soul. Until they understand the soul questions will keep arising in their minds. Tell them that we go even beyond the relation of brother and sister to the connection of soul to soul.

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