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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Murli 31 Jan

''मीठे बच्चे - तुम्हें अभी नया जीवन मिला हैपुराना जीवन बदल गया है क्योंकि तुम अब ईश्वरीय सन्तान बने होतुम्हारी प्रीत एक बाप से है'' 
प्रश्नब्राह्मण जो देवता बनने वाले हैंउनकी मुख्य निशानी क्या होगी
उत्तरवह ब्रह्मा की मुख वंशावली ब्राह्मण सभी एक मत वाले होंगे। उनमें कभी मतभेद नहीं हो सकताआपस में फूट नहीं पड़ सकती। लौकिक में जो ब्राह्मण कहलातेउनमें तो अनेक मतें होती हैं। कोई अपने को पुश्करनी कहलातेकोई सारसिद्ध। तुम ब्राह्मण एक बाप की मत से देवता बनते हो। देवताओं में भी कभी फूट नहीं पड़ती। गीत:- जिस दिन से मिले हम तुम... 

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार
कभी भी बाप को वा पढ़ाई को छोड़ वर्सा नहीं गँवाना है। एक मत हो रहना है।
सज़ाओं से छूटने के लिये योगबल से पुराने सब हिसाब-किताब चुक्तू करने हैं।

वरदानमन्सा द्वारा तीव्रगति की सेवा करने वाले बाप समान मर्सीफुल भव संगमयुग पर बाप द्वारा जो वरदानों का खजाना मिला है उसे जितना बढ़ाना चाहो उतना दूसरों को देते जाओ। जैसे बाप मर्सीफुल है ऐसे बाप समान मर्सीफुल बनोसिर्फवाणी से नहींलेकिन अपनी मन्सा वृत्ति से वायुमण्डल द्वारा भी आत्माओं को अपनी मिली हुई शक्तियां दो। जब थोड़े समय में सारे विश्व की सेवा सम्पन्न करनी है तोतीव्रगति से सेवा करो। जितना स्वयं को सेवा में बिजी करेंगे उतना सहज मायाजीत भी बन जायेंगे।
 स्लोगनअपने सन्तुष्ट और खुशनुमजीवन से हर कदम में सेवा करने वाले ही सच्चे सेवाधारी हैं।
परमात्म प्यार में समा जाओ सबसे सहज पुरुषार्थ है - स्नेह में सदा समाये रहो। लवलीन आत्मा को कभी स्वप्न मात्र भी माया का प्रभाव नहीं पड़ सकता है क्योंकि लवलीन अवस्था माया प्रूफ अवस्था है।तो बापदादा सभी बच्चों को यही वरदान देते सदा ''स्नेही भव'', सदा ''समान भव''

Essence: Sweet children, you have now received a new life and your old life has changed because now that you have become God’s children you have love for the one Father. Question: What is the main sign of Brahmins who are to become deities? Answer: Brahmins, the mouth-born creation of Brahma, all follow one direction; they never have any difference of opinion; they never have any conflict. Worldly brahmins have many different opinions. Some call themselves one type of brahmin and others call themselves another type of brahmin. You Brahmins are becoming deities by following the directions of the one Father. Deities can never have conflict among themselves.
Song: The day we met one another.
Essence for dharna: 
1. Never leave the Father or stop studying and thereby lose your inheritance. Remain united in one direction.
2. In order to become free from punishment, settle all your past accounts with the power of yoga.
Blessing: May you be merciful, the same as the Father, and do service at a fast speed through your mind.
To the extent that you wish to increase the treasure of blessings that you have received from the Father at the confluence age, continue to give to others. Just as the Father is merciful, so, become just as merciful as the Father. Not just through words, but also give to other souls the powers you have received through the attitude of your mind and through the atmosphere. Since you have to complete service of the whole world in a short time, do service at a fast speed. The more you keep yourself busy in service, the more easily you will become a conqueror of Maya. 
Slogan: Those who do service at every step through their contented and happy lives are true servers.Become merged in God’s love.
The easiest effort is to constantly remain merged in love. Maya cannot influence a soul who is merged in love, even in his dreams, because the stage of being merged in love is the Maya-proof stage. BapDada gives all of you children the blessing: May you remain constantly loving and equal.
Song: Jis din se mile hum tum.. जिस दिन से मिले हम तुम...The day we met one another.

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