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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dadi Janki – 3rd January 2012

Dadi Janki – 3rd January 2012 – GCH, London
Is my heart a Dilwala Temple?

Dadi’s flight from India landed at London’s Heathrow at 7.30am.  Arriving at Global House at 9.30am, she went to directly to Baba’s room before meeting the gathering. Dadi gave the following short class.  Tonight Dadi will meet the London family and everyone will enjoy a special Christmas celebration performance.

Who is happier? Dadi, you or Baba? Dadi travels even more than most business people! How many times has Dadi been to London?

Jayanti Bhen:  Baba has sent Dadi for the family. This is a chance for us to take a high jump.

I have come to celebrate 21 years of Global Co-operation House. We have moved from Tennyson Road to Baba Bhavan. From Baba Bhavan to Global House. It is the same in Mount Abu: From Pandav Bhavan to Gyan Sarovar. From Gyan Sarovar to Shantivan. I am not changing my mind about travelling (a letter was sent to all centres recently about Dadi’s travelling programme) but I am obedient to God and wherever He sends me, I will go.  Whatever God says I accept as the truth and I have always kept the determined thought to follow those directions. Baba told me to keep circling the globe.

You are all intense effort makers already. You are those with faith in the intellect, those with a true heart. You now just have to make a little effort to be unshakeable in the drama. There is a guarantee given by God that whatever happens will be good.  Do you maintain this faith? Do you have any concerns? Ok, you may have finished worry but have you really become a carefree emperor? To become a carefree emperor means to be free from even small concerns, by knowing that everything will be good. Remember – this is God’s guarantee.

Do you keep such good connection with Baba that there is no type of looseness in that relationship? Baba has told us that He will always be present with us. He is in bondage to be present and to glorify Himself.  Where God is present with me, no other soul can become in-between.

In order to become complete, I have to become complete in spiritual love. In order to become complete, I have to make my spirituality complete. There has to be Godly love in all relationships in order to clear karmic accounts. Go into the depths: How much do I experience God’s love? Be aware that it is Godly love that makes a soul complete. In all karma and relationships I have to be absolutely honest, and in all Maryadas I have to be completely accurate.

What will happen before January 18th for the self, the gathering and for the whole world? We have to create such a vibration that it reaches across the whole world. Baba has given us the ocean of love so let others receive just a glassful of that by emerging Baba’s love in yourself. Baba doesn’t see anyone’s defects. Do I have enough wisdom to stop seeing defects? Don’t let yourself listen to anything negative now. If you hear it, you will struggle to forget it. To see defects or to listen to them is a great mistake. Each of has to develop such sanskars that reveal Baba. We don’t just have to repeat points but we have to find methods to become like the Father. Do you agree? Will you support Dadi in this so that there are no extra thoughts about anything and everything moves automatically and accurately? Each of you has a special part. If a soul belongs to God it is because that soul is a special soul and Dadi’s good wishes is that that soul should belong to Baba until the end. Each of you should become very strong.

Always keep a clean heart. Accept and follow what Baba has said and you will be able to remain beyond the influence of old sanskaras. The Dilwala Temple exists in Abu and my heart is also the temple of Dilwala. Wherever you are, make that place the Dilwala Temple – the Temple of the Comforter of Hearts. Just as Baba smiles at everyone, I have to create such a stage that I am able to smile at everyone. Now is the time! Who has seen next year? We have to make the most of every moment.

Om shanti

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