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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Points to Churn: Murli of February 16, 2012

  शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!! 
विचार सागर मंथन: फ़रवरी १६२०१२ 
बाबा की महिमा: परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा...मीठा बाबा...दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा...  सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु... सर्जन...निराकार... पतित पावन...एवर प्योर्...करनकरावनहार...सुख दाता...रूप बसंत...ज्ञान का सागर...स्टार...
स्वमान और आत्मा अभ्यास: 
१.  हम अजरअमर अविनाशी आत्माएँदेही - अभिमानीआत्म- अभिमानीरूहानी- अभिमानीपरमात्म- अभिमानीपरमात्म- ज्ञानीपरमात्म- वरदानीपरमात्म- भाग्यशालि हैं...आत्मा कहती हैं,  हम इस शरीर द्वारा राज योग सीखकर,  कम से कम   रोज भट्टी में पड़कर  रावण रूपी विकार जीत५  माया रूपी विकार जीत५  भूतों जीत५  तत्व जीतसो जगत जीत हैं...रोज अमृतवेले ज्ञान और योग की वासधूप जगाकर भूतों को भगानेवालेमुक्तिजीवन-मुक्ति पानेवाले जागती ज्योत हैं...

२. हम आत्माएँईश्वर  को पाने की नॉलेज खुद ईश्वर से ही जाननेवालेबाप के साथ हैंसमीप हैं,  समान हैं,  सम्मुख हैं और सेफ हैं... ज्ञान और योग का इंजेक्शन अविनाशी सर्जन से लेनेवालेसत्य ज्ञान अमृत पीकरसदा ज्ञान रतन बोलनेवालेरूप बसंत हैं...सच्ची सत्य नारायण कथा सुनकरनर से नारायण बननेवालेअपकारी पर उपकार करनेवालेपवित्र और पावन  बुद्धिवालेरहमदिल हैं... मीठे झाड़ की सैप्लिंग लगाने में बाबा के मददगार हैं...
३. हम आत्माएँश्रेष्ठ स्मृतिश्रेष्ठ स्थिति  श्रेष्ठ वृत्तिश्रेष्ठ दृष्टिश्रेष्ठ कृति श्रेष्ठ अनुभूति से  सृष्टि का परिवर्तन कर श्रेष्ठ बनानेवाले,  आधार मूर्तउध्दार मूर्तउदाहरण मूर्त हैं...श्रेष्ठ वृत्ति से विश्व का वातावरण का परिवर्तन करनेवालेपवित्र दृष्टि से विष्व  की आत्माओं और प्रकृति पवित्र बनानेवालेदृष्टि से सृष्टि बदलनेवालेश्रेष्ठ  कर्मों से श्रेष्ठाचारी  दुनिया बनानेवालेविष्व सेवा धारीविष्व  परिवर्तक और विष्व  कल्याणकारी हैं...न्यारे और अधिकारी बन कर्म करनेवाले बंधन्मुक्त,  भविष्य के ताज धारी,तिलक धारीतख्त धारी हैं...

Om Shanti Divine Angels !!!  
Points to Churn: Murli of February 16, 2012
Praise of Baba: 
The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul is.... My Baba...Sweet Baba...Loving Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the Surgeon...the Incorporeal One... the Purifier...the Ever Pure...Karankaravanhar...the Bestower of Happiness...Roop Basant...the Ocean of Knowledge...the Star..

Points of Self Respect and Soul Study:

1.   We, the imperishable, indestructible, immortal souls, are soul conscious (while performing actions), soul conscious (in remembrance), spiritually conscious, God conscious, have knowledge of God, obtain blessings from God, and are made fortunate by God ...our soul say that by studying Raj Yoga through this body, and by staying in a furnace (bhatti) for seven days, we become the conquerors of the 5 vices of Ravan & the 5 vices of Maya, the conquerors of the 5 evil spirits of vices, the conquerors of the 5 elements, and so the conquerors of the world...we are the ignited lamps who light the incense stick of knowledge and yoga at amritvela everyday, and chase the evil spirits of vices away...we attain liberation and liberation-in-life...

2.   We, the souls, get the knowledge of how to attain God from God Himself...we are with the Father, personally in front of Him, close to Him, equal to Him and safe with Him...we get the injection of knowledge and yoga from the Imperishable Surgeon...we are the Rup Basant who drink the true nectar of knowledge and speak only the jewels of knowledge ...we listen to the story of the true Narayan,  and become Narayans from ordinary human beings...we are the merciful ones with pure and holy intellects, who uplift those who defame us...we are the Father’s helpers in planting the saplings for the sweet tree...

3.   We, the souls, are the examples, images of support and the  images of upliftment  ...with elevated awareness, elevated stage, elevated attitude, elevated vision, elevated actions and elevated experience, we transform the world and make it elevated...with our elevated attitude we transform the atmosphere of the world, and with our pure vision we make the souls of the world and the elements pure...we change the world through our vision, and with our elevated actions the world becomes elevated...we are the world servers, world transformers and the world benefactors...we perform every action with a right while being detached, and are free of bondages...we wear a crown, are anointed with a tilak and sit on a throne in the future...  

Om Shanti divya farishte !!!
Vichaar sagar manthan: Farvari 16, 2012
Baba ki Mahima:
Parampita Paramatma Shiv Baba hain...Mera Baba...Pyaara Baba...Meetha Baba...Dayalu Baba...Kripalu Baba...  Sat Baap...Sat Tichar...Sat Guru...
Sarjan...Niraakaar... Patit Paavan...Evar Pyor...Karan karaavan haar...Sukh Data...Roop Basant...Gyan ka Sagar...Star...
Swamaan aur atma abhyas:
1.    Hum ajar, amar avinaashi atmaayen, dehi abhimaani, atm- abhimaani, ruhaani abhimaani, parmaatm- abhimaani, parmaatm gyani, parmaatm vardaani, parmaatm bhaagy shaali hain...atma kehti hain,  hum is shareer dwara raj yog seekhkar, vikaaron ko kam se kam 7 roj bhatti men padkar, 5 Ravan roopi vikaar jeet, 5 maya roopi vikaar jeet, 5 bhooton jeet, 5 tatv jeet, so jagat jeet hain...roj amritvele gyan aur yog ki vaasdhoop jagaakar bhooton ko bhagaanewale, mukti, jeewan-mukti paanewale jaagti jyot hain...
2.   Hum atmaayen, ishawar ko paane ki nolej khud ishwar se hi jaan newale, baap ke saath hain, sameep hain,  samaan hain,  sammukh hain aur sef hain... gyan aur yog ka injekshan avinaashi sarjan se lenewale, saty gyan amrit peekar, sada gyan ratan bolnewale, roop basant hain...sachchi saty narayan katha sunkar, nar se narayan ban newale, apkaari par upkaar karnewale, pavitr aur paaavan buddhiwale, rahamdil hain... meethe jhaad ki saipling lagaane men baba ke madad gaar hain...
3.   Hum atmaayen, shreshth smriti, shreshth sthiti  shreshth vritti, shreshth drishti, shreshth kriti shreshth anubhooti se  srishti ka parivartan kar shreshth banaanewale,  aadhaar moort, udhdaar moot, udaaharan moort hain...shreshth vritti se vishv ka vataavaran ka parivartan karnewale, pavitr drishti se vishv ki atmaaon aur prakriti pavitr banaanewale, drishti se srishti badalnewale, shresht karmon se shreshthaachaari duniya banaanewale, vishv seva dhaari, vishv parivartak aur vishv kalyaankaari hain...nyaare aur adhikaari ban karm karnewale bandhanmukt ,  bhavishy ke taj dhaari, tilak dhaari, takht dhaari hain...

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