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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Murli Hindi & English 29 March


मुरली सार :- ''मीठे बच्चे - अगर बाप से मिलन मनाना हैपावन बनना है तो सच्चे-सच्चे रूहानी आशिक बनोएक बाप के सिवाए किसी को भी याद  करो'' 
प्रश्नब्राह्मण जो देवता बनते हैंउन ब्राह्मणों का पद देवताओं से भी ऊंचा हैकैसे
उत्तरब्राह्मण इस समय सच्चे-सच्चे रूहानी सोशल वर्कर हैं। मनुष्यों की रूह को पवित्रतायोग का इन्जेक्शन लगाते हैं। भारत के डूबे हुए बेड़े को श्रीमत पर पार लगाते हैं। नर्कवासीभारत को स्वर्गवासी बनाते हैं। ऐसी सेवा देवतायें नहीं करेंगे। वह तो इस समय के सेवा की प्रालब्ध भोगते हैंइसलिए ब्राह्मण देवताओं से भी ऊंच हैं। गीत:- हमारे तीर्थ न्यारे हैं....

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार
ज्ञान चिता पर बैठ सम्पूर्ण पावन (गोराबनना है। पवित्रता ही नम्बरवन ब्युटी हैइस ब्युटी को धारण कर बाप का बच्चा कहलाने का हकदार बनना है।
इस कयामत के समय में सिर पर जो पापों का बोझा हैउसे एक बाप की याद से उतारना है। पुण्य आत्मा बनने के लिए श्रेष्ठ कर्म करना है।
 वरदाननिर्माणता की महानता द्वारा सर्व की दुआयें प्राप्त करने वाले मास्टर सुखदाता भव महानता की निशानी निर्माणता हैजितना निर्माण बनेंगे उतना सबके दिल में महान स्वतबनेंगे। निर्माणता निरंहकारी सहज बनाती है। निर्माणता का बीज महानता का फल स्वत:प्राप्त कराता है। निर्माणता ही सबकी दुआयें प्राप्त करने का सहज साधन है। निर्माणता महिमा योग्य बना देती है। निर्माणता सबके मन में प्यार का स्थान बना देती है। वह बाप समानमास्टर सुखदाता बन जाते हैं। स्लोगनश्रेष्ठ जीवन का अनुभव करने के लिए निश्चय का फाउण्डेशन मजबूत हो।

Video of Murli essence:

 Essence: Sweet children, if you wish to celebrate a meeting with the Father, if you wish to become pure, become true spiritual lovers. Remember no one but the one Father.
Question: Why is the status of Brahmins who are to become deities even more elevated than the status of deities?
Answer: At present, Brahmins are true spiritual social workers. They give human souls the injection of purity and yoga and take the sinking boat of Bharat across by following shrimat. They make the people of Bharat, who are residents of hell, into residents of heaven. Deities do not do such service. They experience the reward of the service done at this time. That is why Brahmins are even more elevated than deities.
Song: Our pilgrimage is unique.
Essence for dharna: 
1. You have to become completely pure, that is, beautiful, by sitting on the pyre of knowledge. Purity is the number one beauty, and so you must imbibe this beauty and claim the right to be called a child of the Father.
2. By having remembrance of the one Father, remove the burden of sin that is on your head at this time of settlement. In order to become a pure, charitable soul, perform elevated actions.

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